ESSENTIAL SKILLS FOR WORK & LIFE OVERVIEW – Rationale Units are derived from the Essential Skills Wales suite i.e. Application of Number, Communication, Digital Literacy and Employability Units are worth between 1 and 3 credits and available from Entry 1 to Level 3 Each is discrete and can be built into an ‘Award’, ‘Certificate’ or ‘Diploma’ Units can be chosen from across the four skills or from the same one but some combinations are forbidden Skills best developed when underpinning relevant and purposeful activities
ESSENTIAL SKILLS fOR WORK & LIFE OVERVIEW – Learners As units are discrete they are suitable for use by a wide range of learners: Further Education Adult returners Work-based learners Community education The ‘Third Sector’ Teaching staff Alternative education Where ‘skills-gaps’ identified in current competency Progression to ESW Suite
ESSENTIAL SKILLS FOR WORK & LIFE Level: Entry 1 Unit code: 9959 Unit Title: Reading for Information GLH: 20 Credit Value: 2 Purpose and Aim: To equip the learner with the skills to obtain information from simple texts. Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria The learner will The learner can 1. Be able to follow the meaning of short pieces of writing. 1.1 Outline the gist of a minimum of five short passages of writing. 2. Be able to obtain information from simple documents. 2.1 State information to be obtained from a minimum of three documents. 2.2 Identify the required information. Assessment Guidance: 1.1 The passages should be appropriate for this level and include different text types. 2.1 The documents should be appropriate for this level and could include simple notices and labels.
ESSENTIAL SKILLS FOR WORK & LIFE OVERVIEW – Evidence Internally assessed, externally quality assured ‘portfolio’ the building of which must not become a barrier to achievement Evidence could be derived from: Products or artefacts Observation records Witness statements Discussions with assessors and tutors Assessment records Reports Not an exhaustive list as candidates and assessors are encouraged to utilise all potential, valid sources
ESSENTIAL SKILLS FOR WORK & LIFE OVERVIEW – Quality Assurance Centres must first be approved to offer ESfWL by completing the ‘Qualification Approval Process’ – automatic for existing ESW centres Process is to ensure centres have the capacity to operate a robust internal quality assurance system from the outset Includes competent assessors, trained Internal Quality Assures (IQA) and manageable systems WJEC externally quality assure through visits and/or remote sampling to ensure that internal processes are working since centre was first approved
ESSENTIAL SKILLS FOR WORK & LIFE OVERVIEW – Connect Candidates are registered and certificated through WJEC’s ‘Connect’ system Allows centres to submit registrations on a ‘roll-off/roll on’ basis between 1st September and 31st August. Centres should consider how best to mange the registration process Once a centre is approved ‘users’ will be set up to access ‘Connect’ and to submit registrations
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