Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE) The possibilities are endless!!
What is SAE? Supervised Agriculture Experience is a learning-by-doing process. It reinforces learning by applying skills and knowledge acquired in class and shop by means of project.
Why an SAE? Job Question: Answer: How can you gain experience to get a job (or prepare for college)? Answer: Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) Job Experience
How you benefit from SAEs The development of record keeping skills. The understanding of the economy. Entrepreneurship. The development of stronger job related skills. The opportunity to gain further knowledge. The opportunity to explore the your career area. Win awards and recognition through the FFA Awards Program. MAKE MONEY $$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Use your SAE to develop new skills: Learn through hands-on experiences. Choose something you’re really excited about! Choices are limited only by your imagination. Learn from someone experienced.
Use your SAE for career preparation: Your SAE can be the stepping stone to a career. Develop work habits and skills. Get started up the career ladder.
Types of SAE Entrepreneurship Placement Research Exploratory Experimental Non-Experimental Exploratory Improvement Supplemental
Steps in Planning a SAE Write down three job areas that interest you. Review the job activities and responsibilities of people working in the career interest area(s). Have your advisor look over your choices. Select the type(s) of SAE programs that will be pursued. Determine what experiences will be completed in each phase of the SAE program. Develop a long-range plan for the SAE program. Develop the first year (annual) plan. Re-plan the SAE program on a regular basis.
Examples from What I Did Research SAE on Guinea Pig behavior and food choice. Research SAE on duck development and husbandry. Entrepreneurship SAE on a popcorn fundraiser. Placement SAE through working at a veterinarian.
SAEs related to ANSC Designing a food trial. Research the effects of certain nutrients on the growth and production of animals. Breeding and heredity. Run the fundraisers (plant sales, bulbs, candy, etc.)– great entrepreneurship SAE that can lead to more $$ for Appo FFA!
The List Goes On! Animal disease research. Placements: Vets Farms Pet shops Wildlife groups Team up with colleges!
Remember You are only limited by your imagination! Almost anything can be made into an SAE. Work hard and keep records and the rewards have the potential to be endless (especially entrepreneurship)!