SAE Standards Works Training Module - Useful Tabs
SAE Standards Works – Useful Tabs WIPs (Works in Progress): A list of the committee specific WIPs listed by project number, title, sponsor name and date. Voting Members, Liaisons and Mailing List have access to the WIP tab. Documents listed as a WIP are not available for purchase until they are published – although, if there is a previously published version, it will still be available for purchase.
Details: information is displayed on a specific WIP by clicking on a document number, for ex. J2399, including the full scope of the standard. Recent Activity: on-going ballots or closed ballots are indicated in this area for the document.
Work Area: the Document Work area is accessible to voting Members and Liaisons only. SAE J-docs drafts, supporting materials, test results, etc. are posted in this area. A document work area can be shared with other Committees or Task Forces.
Documents: a list of published documents developed by the committee with document number, title, date of publication and status. Voting Members, Liaisons and Mailing Lists have access to the documents tab.
Details: by clicking on a specific number, for example, SAE J2830_200807, the date of publication, title and full scope of the standard will be displayed.
Purchasing J-docs: clicking on the purchase tab, for ex Purchasing J-docs: clicking on the purchase tab, for ex. J2830, will display information on the particular standard and the document can be purchased directly from that page (right screen).
New Project Request: a New Project Request Form needs to be completed by the sponsor of a document to revise, reaffirm, stabilize or cancel a standard that has been previously published.
New Project Request Form This form is filled out by the document sponsor – it includes a copyright form that needs to be signed and also submitted to SAE Staff. Once the submit button is clicked at the bottom of the form, it will come to the Staff Rep for approval . A Word conversion of the last published version of the document will be sent to the sponsor for use during the revision and Standard Works will also create an area under the WIP tab for postings
Committee Work Area: accessible to voting Members and Liaisons only. Non-document specific folders, files and discussion topics relevant to committee work activity are posted in this area. Members and Liaisons have the ability to add folders, upload files and create discussion topics. SAE J-doc drafts should NOT be posted in this area. All SAE J-doc drafts should ONLY be posted by using the Work Area tab in the WIP area (Work in Progress).
Roster: accessible to voting Members and Liaisons. The roster can be sorted via the name of the member, the name of the company and/or the role of the member on the committee by clicking the blue links at the top of the columns.
Ballots A listing of all open or closed ballots. The list can be sorted by document number, sponsor and due date. By clicking on the document number, you can access that specific ballot. Ballots are ONLY accessible to voting Members and Liaisons. Once a document is published – the system completely eliminates the WIP area which is in compliance with the SAE Document Retention Policy. Ballot information is no longer available once a document has been published.
Email Voting Members and Liaisons can send emails to the entire membership, individual members, or to the full members excluding the Mailing List members. Attachments can be included in these e-mail messages. NO J-documents in draft form can ever be sent by e-mail. Notification of a new draft posting can be communicated by sending a link to the page it is posted on.