Bell Ringers Survey of Literature Week 2 Quarter 3
Epi/ep – Above, over, besides, in addition to, toward, among epicenter (n) Area directly over an earthquake Monday, February 4 epithet (adj) An added description about someone (Richard, the Great) epidemic (n) Widespread among many people Epi/ep – Above, over, besides, in addition to, toward, among episodic (v) Relating to an episode epilogue (n) A closing statement in addition to the rest Write your own sentence using one of the words revitalize (v) To bring back to life
Alter ego (n) ego (n) egocentrism (adj) Egomaniac (adj) Another side of oneself Tuesday, February 5 PERIOD 4 ego (n) An exaggerated sense of self importance egocentrism (adj) Regarding one’s opinions as important -ego self Egotist (n) A boastful person Egomaniac (adj) Someone who is extremely self-centered Write your own sentence using one of the words egotistic (adj) Having an inflated idea of self importance
-dele – to destroy or abolish Delenda (n) Things to be destroyed Tuesday , February 5 PERIOD 5 deletive (adj) Adapted to destroy Deletory(n) That which blots out -dele – to destroy or abolish deletionist (n) Someone who destroys a famous work Indelible (adj) Impossible to remove Write your own sentence using one of the words Deleble (n) Capable of being destroyed
Advocate (v) Adjudicate (v) adversary (n) -ad– to/toward/near Serving as a judge Wednesday , February 6 adversary (n) To be opposed/ hostile to Admonish(v) To counsel someone towards a decision -ad– to/toward/near adduce(v) To bring forward for consideration Adversary (n) Opposed/hostile to Write your own sentence using one of the words Advocate (v) To argue in favor of something