Active Shooter
What is an Active Shooter? Intent on killing or injuring as many people as possible in as short time as possible Set off by a “trigger” Usually planned Feel helpless and want to “payback” Usually suicidal
Not to Be Captured Usually ends in Suicide May be suicide by cop No talking or negotiating
Happens Quickly Planning lasts for weeks or months May have a blog, wants to air grievances Killing lasts minutes If delayed, may become a hostage situation
They have no intention of leaving alive What type of place do you think an active shooter would choose? Auditorium Lunch Rooms Gym Library Even School Bus
DHS Video
What Does He Want? To make a Statement To Inflict as many casualties as possible in a short period of time
Run Get Away – if possible Use any way possible, fire escapes, emergency windows. He cannot shoot you if he can’t catch you Don’t delay – stay and be slaughtered
Hide Sometimes escape is not possible You may be responsible for immobile persons Darken the room Lock/block the door Be quiet If you are found, you will die! The shooter is not going to waste time
Lockdown Purpose of a “lockdown” or “lockout” is to limit the access of the shooter Protects the employee and helps the police locate him
Fight If you have no other option
If You Have No Other Option
Fight Act Aggressively Act Violently Act Ferociously Show no Mercy – He will Kill you and/or your kids/clients
If you don’t have a plan, you are going to die! Use whatever you can get your hands on Choose your moment and go hard, don’t miss, and don’t stop Reality If you don’t have a plan, you are going to die!
Do not do anything which might be considered aggressive What Can You Expect? Police dressed in different uniforms Police from many agencies Police on high alert, jumpy, focused on the threat Do not do anything which might be considered aggressive
You will probably be handcuffed and searched Smoke may fill the room People may be begging for help and crying The floor may be slippery from blood EMS People will enter once they consider it safe
Police will initially ignore any injured They will not initially render first aid Medical Personnel will not come in until it is safe People will be crying and begging for help. The Floor will be cluttered with bodies
What Will Be Expected of You? INFORMATION! Where Should They Enter Someone familiar with building and incident Description of Perpetrator Where Seen Last
Someone to stay on the phone with 911 Don’t distract or interfere with the police Don’t talk to anyone except the police
Hostage As the event drags on, the perpetrator will have second thoughts. Event transitions into a hostage situation Much more stable and survival prospects increase