Technical discussions Production rules Insects Expert Group Insects 10 October 2018
Inputs AT guidelines BE draft rules Inputs from IPIPF (document on website) Main interest is for insects produced for feed either for farm animals or pet food
Basic act Reg 2018/848 Livestock production means the production of domestic or domesticated terrestrial animals, including insects Production rules for livestock in the basic act apply Production rules for processed feed and food from organic insects in the basic act apply Horizontal rules on animal health, food and feed… apply
Basic act: parallel production Art 9 (7) (a) A holding may be split into clearly and effectively separated production units for organic, in-conversion and non-organic production, provided that for the non-organic production units as regards livestock, different species are involved Art 9(9) The requirements concerning different species and varieties, laid down in points (a) and (b) of paragraph 7, shall not apply in the case of research and educational centres, plant nurseries, seed multipliers and breeding operations.
Basic act: parallel production Art 9 (10) Where not all production units of a holding are managed under organic production rules, the operators shall: (a) keep the products used for the organic and in-conversion production units separate from those used for the non-organic production units; (b) keep the products produced by the organic, in-conversion and non-organic production units separate from each other; (c) keep adequate records to show the effective separation of the production units and of the products
Scope Insects for feed production (livestock and pet food) and food production Bees excluded Rules for farmed insects for feed 7 Species to be covered: Black soldier fly (hermetia illucens) Common Housefly (musca domestica) Yellow Mealworm (tenebrio molitor) Lesser Mealworm (alphitobius diaperinus) House cricket (acheta domesticus) Banded cricket (Gryllodes sigillatus) same as Gryllus sigillatus? Field cricket (Gryllus assimilis) Farmed insects for food? Species concerned? Specific provisions needed for different species raised in third countries? Specific provisions needed for collection of insects in the wild? Or prohibition? Insects used for bioecological purposes not covered
Categories of insects covered Insect: covers all stages of insect development (from egg to imago) Breeding insect: adult insect (imago) used for breeding or reproduction purposes (parent or breeding animal) Livestock insect: all stages of development (egg, larva, coccon, imago) of an insect Insects for food and feed production, pet food, others?
Empowerments insects production rules: Delegated act Art (10) 5 Conversion 5. The Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 54 amending point 1.2.2 of Part II of Annex II by adding conversion rules for species other than those regulated in Part II of Annex II on 17 June 2018, or by amending those added rules.
Conversion AII PII point 1.2.2 Conversion periods specific to the type of animal production are set out as follows: (i) One complete reproduction cycle from egg to imago for the species of insect concerned. All development stages of all subsequent reproduction cycles have organic status, provided all the requirements of organic production are met. Non organic breeding insects attain organic status after first oviposition. Males?
Empowerments insects production rules: delegated act Article 14 (2)(e) COM is empowered to adopt delegated act amending: Part II of Annex II by adding detailed rules on livestock production for species other than species regulated in that part on 17 June 2018, or by amending those added rules, as regards: (i)Derogations as regards the origin of animals (ii) Nutrition (iii) Housing and husbandry practices (iv) Health care (v) Animal welfare
Basic act: origin of animals Basic act: AII PII 1.3 Origin of animals 1.3.1 without prejudice to the rules on conversion, organic livestock shall be born or hatched and raised on organic production units
Basic act: origin of animals AII PII 1.3 Origin of animals 1.3.2 With regard to the breeding of organic animals (a) reproduction shall use natural methods; however, artificial insemination shall be allowed; (b) reproduction shall not be induced or impeded by treatment with hormones or other substances with a similar effect, except as a form of veterinary therapeutic treatment in the case of an individual animal; (c) other forms of artificial reproduction, such as cloning and embryo transfer, shall not be used; (d) the choice of breeds shall be appropriate to the principles of organic production, shall ensure a high standard of animal welfare and shall contribute to the prevention of any suffering and to avoiding the need for the mutilation of animals.
Derogations as regards the origin of animals AII PII 1.3 Origin of animals 1.3.3 When choosing breeds or strains, operators shall consider giving preference to breeds or strains with a high degree of genetic diversity, the capacity of animals to adapt to local conditions, their breeding value, their longevity, their vitality and their resistance to disease or health problems, all without impairment of their welfare. In addition, breeds or strains of animals shall be selected to avoid specific diseases or health problems associated with some breeds or strains used in intensive production, such as porcine stress syndrome, possibly leading to pale-soft-exudative (PSE) meat, sudden death, spontaneous abortion and difficult births requiring caesarean operations. Preference shall be given to indigenous breeds and strains. To choose the breeds and strains in accordance with the first paragraph, operators shall use the information available in the systems referred to in Article 26(3).
Derogations as regards the origin of animals By way of derogation from point 1.3.1, the purchase of non organic breeding insects is permitted if no organic breeding insects are available. During the first reproduction cycle, all the requirements of this directive shall be complied with for breeding insects and for all stages of reproduction resulting therefrom. (a) For the purpose of constituting an insect population for the first time (at species level), non-organic breeding insects may be used.
Derogations as regards the origin of animals (b) Breeding insects of non-organic origin may be purchased once per calendar year for the purpose of genetic regeneration of populations. The purchase of non-organic breeding insects shall not exceed 0.5% by weight of production per species and calendar year. The measure shall be recorded
Derogations as regards the origin of animals (c) The renewed constitution of the population of an insect species after exposure to external damaging factors which destroyed all populations of a species on the farm is permitted with non-organic breeding insects. Before the insect species population is renewed, however, a documented root cause analysis and appropriate measures shall be taken by the operator in order to avoid the recurrent impact of external damage factors in the best possible way.
Derogations as regards the origin of animals In the cases referred in, non-organic insects may only be considered as organic if the conversion period specified in point 1.2 has been complied with. The conversion period laid down in point 1.2.2 shall start, at the earliest, once the animals are introduced into the in- conversion production unit.
Basic act: Nutrition Annex II Part II 1.4 1.4.1 (a) feed for livestock shall be obtained primarily from the agricultural holding where the animals are kept or shall be obtained from organic or in-conversion production units belonging to other holdings in the same region; (b) livestock shall be fed with organic or in-conversion feed that meets the animal’s nutritional requirements at the various stages of its development; restricted feeding shall not be permitted in livestock production unless justified for veterinary reasons;
Basic act : Nutrition (c) livestock shall not be kept in conditions or on a diet which may encourage anaemia; (d) fattening practices shall always respect the normal nutritional patterns for each species and the animals’ welfare at each stage of the rearing process; force-feeding is forbidden;
Basic act: Nutrition Annex II Part II 1.4 1.4.1 (e) with the exception of porcine animals, poultry and bees and insects other than bees, livestock shall have permanent access to pasture whenever conditions allow or shall have permanent access to roughage;
Basic act: Nutrition Annex II Part II 1.4 1.4.1 (f) growth promoters and synthetic amino-acids shall not be used; (h) feed materials of plant, algal, animal or yeast origin shall be organic; (i) non-organic feed materials of plant, algal, animal or yeast origin, feed materials of microbial or of mineral origin, feed additives and processing aids may be used only if they have been authorised pursuant to Article 24 for use in organic production
Nutrition Annex II Part II to add in conversion feed For agricultural holdings that produce organic livestock: (a) At least 20 % of the feed shall come from the farm itself or, if this is not feasible or such feed is not available, be produced in cooperation with other organic or in-conversion production units and feed operators using feed and feed material from the same region. (b) up to 30 % on average of the feed formula of rations may comprise in-conversion feed from the second year of conversion. This percentage may be increased to 100 % if this in-conversion feed comes from the holding where insects are kept;
Nutrition Salt in the form of sea salt or coarse rock salt? TO EXPLAIN
Housing and husbandry practices Annex II part II point 1,1 Livestock production rules General requirements 1.1. Except in the case of beekeeping and production of insects other than bees, landless livestock production, where the farmer intending to produce organic livestock does not manage agricultural land and has not established a written cooperation agreement with a farmer as regards the use of organic production units or in-conversion production units for that livestock, shall be prohibited. 1tock production rules, general requirements TO CHECK with legal unit if COM has empowerments to make this change TO ALIGN for nutrition requirements
Housing and husbandry practices Operators who keep, process or feed insects shall ensure that the farm, facilities and housing containers are designed in a way that prevents live insects and their various stages of development from escaping into natural habitats.
Housing and husbandry practices Technical measuring equipment for monitoring essential production parameters (at least temperature, humidity, CO2 content) shall be available and regularly used in all rooms used for housing breeding and beneficial insects. The measurement results and measures based thereon to improve housing conditions shall be recorded.
Housing and husbandry practices Dark phases and light supply shall be provided for all insects species-specifically in the corresponding development phases.
Housing and husbandry practices Structural elements corresponding to the needs of the insects shall be offered, adapted to the respective development phase of the insect species and in sufficient numbers. Structural elements as well as housing containers shall be cleaned or replaced regularly in order to guarantee the health of the insects and to comply with the hygienic requirements of Regulation laying down requirements for food and feed hygiene.
Housing and husbandry practices Structural elements shall be made of materials that are not used by insects as a food source or consist exclusively of such raw materials that meet the requirements of the feed law. Materials made of recycled paper or board, such as egg cartons, should not be used as structural elements due to a higher risk of the presence of undesirable substances.
Health care With regard to health care, the following rules apply: (a) for the purposes of protecting facilities and containers, in particular from pests, only rodenticides in traps, and appropriate products and substances authorised pursuant to Art 9 and 24 for use in organic production may be used. (b) physical treatments for disinfection of facilities such as steam or direct flame shall be permitted; (c) if despite all preventive measures, insects become sick or infested, they shall be treated immediately, and, if necessary may be isolated in suitable premises. (d) insects cannot be treated with chemically synthetised allopathic products with the exception of treatments referred to in point AII PII (e) Treatment of insects is limited to mechanical and physical methods? (f) Cleaning and disinfection of facilities and containers must be performed only with products and substances authorised by Article 24(e).
Animal welfare Mutilation, such as the trimming of wings or removal of taluses, is prohibited Transport conditions shall respect the physiological needs of insects (CO2 content, O2 content, humidity, temperature, food…) Killing by freezing, boiling water and oil?, steam vapour is allowed. Killing by sun drying? Cannibalism between insects shall be avoided by appropriate husbandry conditions
Emmpowerments insects production rules: implementing act Article 14(3) (b) Stocking density and the minimum surface for indoor and outdoor areas that are to be complied with for specific livestock species to ensure that the developmental, physiological and ethological needs of animal are met. © the characteristics of and technical requirements for the minimum surface for indoor and outdoor areas; (d) the characteristics of and technical requirements for buildings and pens for all livestock species other than bees, to ensure that the developmental, physiological and ethological needs of animals are met (e) Requirements for vegetation and the characteristics of protected facilities and open air areas
Stocking densities By species For House cricket (acheta domesticus) Banded cricket (Gryllodes sigillatus) same as Gryllus sigillatus? And Field cricket (Gryllus assimilis) 1 cricket per 2,5 cm2 For yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) 60 g adults per kg of flour
Transitional period List of MS with national rules for insects produced for feed needed?
Implementing Act Article 26(7) Collection of data concerning the availability on the market of organic animals Outcome of the sub-group databases existing on organic insects in MS?
Background documents on cervine animals on circa bc Group of interest: Expert Group on Organics. Sub-group_Production rules for insects