Diadromous Fishes and Their Importance By: Myles and Carlos
Sea lamprey Petromyzon Marinus What are the major characteristics that help a scientist identify this species of fish? they lack fins or a jaw and no bony skeleton What is the geographical distribution of the fish species? (Include a map) Sea lampreys are native to the Atlantic Ocean, are found along the North American coast from Newfoundland and Labrador to Florida, and also inhabit the eastern North Atlantic and the Baltic, Adriatic, and Mediterranean seas. Scientists can identify these species by seeing they lack fins and jaws. They also have eyes on their sides and are able to see. This species is affected by pollution of water and loss of habitats. There migration pattern is from the ocean to the great lakes. Lamprey means “an eel- like aquatic vertebrate that has a sucker mouth with horny teeth and a raping tongue.” Lamprey are native to the Atlantic Ocean. What are the threat to this fish species? like most fishes they are affected by habitat loss and pollution of water Are there any important migration patterns? from the ocean to the great lakes what does lamprey mean an eel-like aquatic jawless vertebrate that has a sucker mouth with horny teeth and a rasping tongue. The adult is often parasitic, attaching itself to other fish and sucking their blood. do they see? yes they have eyes on the side which are some times open What is the life cycle of the fish species? the lavare is swept downstream and burrow into sand and slit they feed on algae and debris and then they migrate to a lake and they then feed on fish as a parasite then head to make a nest and lay eggs and die Petromyzon Marinus Myles Tavares “Sea Lamprey.” Fisheries and Oceans Canada, www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/species-especes/profiles-profils/sealamprey-lamproiemarine-eng.html. “Pressures and Threats.” Lamprey Surveys, 4 Mar. 2014, lampreysurveys.com/impacts-and-pressures/. \http://www.glfc.org/pubs/FACT_3.pdf why are their mouths like that they lack onto prey and suck blood and nutrients from them to survive
What is the geographical distribution of the fish species? American Eel What is the geographical distribution of the fish species? What are the major characteristics that help a scientist identify this species of fish? Some major characteristics of the american eel are yellow for juveniles, silver for adults. Juvenile yellow eels vary from yellow to green on the belly and dark on the back, where the adults are silver or grey with a cream belly. Adult females can grow up to 1 meter in size, where the males are much smaller and only measure to about .4 meter. The life cycle of this eel is very simple, they start off as eggs, turn to leptocephalus, glass eel, yellow eel, silver eel, spawning, and repeat. Some major threats to this specie is the bald eagle and gulls. it's a snake like shape the fins and color s could determine what what stage in the life cycle, it is . Juvenile (yellow eels) colouration varies from yellow to green or olive-brown on the belly and dark on the back. Adults (silver eels) are grey with a white or cream-coloured belly. Adult females may reach up to 1 metre in length; males are smaller at less than 0.4 metre. What is the life cycle of the fish species? What are the threat to this fish species? bald eagle, yellow eels, and gulls Eggs, Leptocephalus, Glass eel, Elver, Yellow eel, Silver eel, Spawning and repeat. Are there any important migration patterns? When the eels hatch they drift with the currents until the reach the coastline and start to swim up shore. They will swim up and down freshwater streams and end up back in the ocean where they spawn and die.
River Field Study Experience What does marine science mean to you? How has the year progressed throughout the chapters? How is the ocean connected to your life? Why is marine science important to study? River Field Study Experience Talk about our trip what we did and what we learned about
What can we do to help the fish?
Citations Noaa. “NOAA Fisheries Releases Design Guidelines for Nature-like Fish Passages :: NOAA Fisheries.” Home, 23 May 2016, www.greateratlantic.fisheries.noaa.gov/mediacenter/2016/may/23_noaa_fisheries_releases_design_guidelines_for_nature-like_fish_passages.html.\ “Sea Lamprey.” Fisheries and Oceans Canada, www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/species-especes/profiles-profils/sealamprey-lamproiemarine-eng.html. “Pressures and Threats.” Lamprey Surveys, 4 Mar. 2014, lampreysurveys.com/impacts-and-pressures/. \http://www.glfc.org/pubs/FACT_3.pdf Outdoor Channel. “Salt Water Fish Catch & Release Tips.” Outdoor Channel, 4 June 2014, osa.outdoorchannel.com/article.aspx?id=23329&articletype=article&key=Salt-Water-Fish-Catch--Release-Tips. Denchak, Melissa. “Water Pollution: Everything You Need to Know.” NRDC, 22 Apr. 2019, www.nrdc.org/stories/water-pollution-everything-you-need-know.