Welcome 6th grade parents and the Class of 2026!
Harris Leadership Team Principal, Mrs. Niehoff Assistant Principals Mr. Elerick, 6th grade Mrs. Roe, 7th grade Mrs. Greco, 8th grade Academic Dean, Mrs. Duderstadt Special Education Coordinator, Mrs. Tyler Counselors Mrs. Heisler, 6th Grade and 8th grade A-K Mrs. More, 8th grade L-Z and all of 7th grade Dr. Cantu, STAN Counselor (all grades) Family Specialist, Mrs. Diaz Add Family Spec and
Right now, your 6th grader is… Participating in ice breakers Making new friends Building a connection to Harris Having fun!
Before School Supervision begins at 7:45am 6th graders report to the courtyard by the tennis courts (inclement weather plan, students report to the cafeteria) If students wish to eat breakfast, they may do so at this time. Breakfast is $1.10 Students are expected to return to their grade level areas after eating their breakfast. If students wish to go to the Homework Center, Tutoring, or the Library, they should have a pass (from a teacher or parent). Homework Center in A108 is available from 7:45 – 8:15 am Monday-Friday and is open to all students.
Before School Students who are carrying instruments may enter through the cafeteria and put their instruments away in the fine arts hallway (at 7:45) and then proceed to the other approved areas (courtyard, breakfast, tutoring) When the 8:15 am bell rings, students will proceed to 1st period At 8:25 am, first period begins
During the School Day The majority of 6th grade classes are located in the “6th Grade House.” (A200s, A100s, D100s) Students may use their lockers during the passing periods, which are 4 minutes long. Clear Backpacks and Cell Phones should be kept in student lockers during the day.
Lunch Information Lunch is after 3rd period and is 30 minutes long. During regular schedule—6th Graders eat lunch together from 10:58-11:28 am. Lunch cost is $2.60. Some a la carte items are more expensive than last year. If you have restrictions or guidelines you would like to put into place for your child, please contact the cafeteria manager directly: cfmgr058@neisd.net The first few days of school, the schedule will be different.
Lunch Information If you would like to bring lunch for your child, we have tables in the hallway for you to eat with them. HOWEVER, food may not be brought for students other than your own. (Federal Nutrition Guidelines). Please help your child monitor their lunch account. Money can be deposited by cash, check, or you can pay with a credit card if you go online through SchoolCafe.com. You can also set alerts through Skyward Family Access to know when your child is running low on funds.
Lunch Information CAFETERIA ACCOUNTS are handled through School Café. Families must create an account at SchoolCafe.com to make payments by credit card. Parents will use their student’s ID and school name to set up an account. In School Café, families and staff can view their purchases, account balances and parents can transfer funds between siblings. Families can also apply for free and reduced price meals. The cafeteria also accepts checks and cash to fund meal accounts.
Cell Phones/Electronics Cell phones must be kept off and out of sight during the instructional day (8:15-3:40). The full cell phone policy will be on an orange piece of paper in the beginning of school packet you receive in the Parent Envelopes. Grade levels can earn the use of their devices at lunch time in the cafeteria based on behavior. A phone is available in the office for student use, in case of an emergency. 210-356-4100
Cell Phones/Electronics No pictures or videos are allowed to be taken at any time during the school day. Consequences for doing so will vary due to expectation of privacy and extent of violation. If a student’s device is taken up for not following the policy, it will be turned in to the Assistant Principal’s office. The parent will be contacted to pick up the device.
Illness and Medication Your child’s wellbeing is important to us. All students with health related issues must be seen in the Harris Clinic prior to calling home. ALL MEDICATION (OVER THE COUNTER, PRESCRIPTION, VITAMINS, COUGH DROPS, ETC). must be brought to the clinic by a parent/guardian. Students are not allowed to carry any medicine at any time. If your child has any medical concerns or special needs, please see the nurse for more information and clarification. Nurse, Mrs. Sandifer 210-356-4121
After School The dismissal bell rings at 3:40 pm. Students who ride the bus should report immediately to the front of the school because buses pull out of the parking lot at approximately 3:50 pm. If students walk home, they should leave through the back of the school in a timely manner. Students who ride their bikes should leave campus through the back of the school. Supervision ends at 4:10 pm. If you are going to pick up your child, please do so by 4:00 pm. Parent pick-up/drop-off is in the back of the school. Students are not permitted to “hang out” after school on campus. If they are on campus, it should be for a specific purpose that is supervised (meeting, tutoring, etc.) The district offers a KINs afterschool program (until 6:30pm) to help meet your needs. Information on how to sign up can be found on the district webpage and in Mrs. Niehoff’s Sunday Newsletters.
Attendance Procedures If your child misses school, notes need to be turned in to the attendance clerk, Mrs. Franco. For your convenience, notes can be faxed, e-mailed, or hand delivered. Fax: 210-657-8892 Email: yfranc@neisd.net More information can be found on the Harris website, click on “About Us” and then “Attendance Policies” No pick-ups are allowed after 3:10pm
Parent Drop off/Pick up in the back To ensure the safety of all students, please adhere to the traffic pattern: All parent traffic will be in the back of the school, unless you have business inside the school where you will park and enter the building. Buses, Faculty, and Magnet School Drop-off only will be allowed at the front of the school between 7:30-8:15 am and 3:00-4:00pm.
Important Safety Reminders Students should exit the vehicles on the PASSENGER side of the car and walk on the SIDEWALK around to their courtyard or the cafeteria. Students should NOT cut across the parking lot for any reason. To assist the officers in directing traffic in school zones, please be in the correct lane and use your blinkers. Please be courteous to other drivers and ALWAYS watch for students.
Important Safety Reminders If your child chooses to carry a backpack, it must be clear. (Mesh, colored/frosted are not allowed) All outside doors to campus will be locked during the school day, front office staff will buzz you in. Random wand screenings.
Follow us on Twitter! @harrishawks Connect with Harris Mrs. Niehoff emails out a newsletter every Sunday. Follow us on Twitter! @harrishawks
Family Access Info https://www.neisd.net
https://www.neisd.net Students Bus Information Transportation School Bus routes
What’s next? Become a volunteer Get your Harris Spirit items Join PTA Deposit money in your cafeteria account Drop off medicine at the Clinic Meet your child in their homeroom Walk your child’s schedule again Practice lockers
We look forward to a wonderful year working with your child! Please call the school at 210-356-4100 if you have any questions. This presentation will be posted to the school website.