Gripper CC4/6H-R1 and R3 IPR-Nr. 152104942/152104985 NEMAK MONTERREY H-LINE 27.03.2015 IPR DRAWING NUMBER 152104942/152104985
152104942 R1 UNLOADGRIPPER BASE/CC CORE Gripper R1 view with cores
152104985 GRIPPER R3 Gripper R3 view with cores X
152104942 R1 UNLOADGRIPPER BASE/CC CORE Gripper unloading base core X
152104942 R1 UNLOADGRIPPER BASE/CC CORE Gripper unloading crankcase core X
152104942 R1 UNLOADGRIPPER BASE/CC CORE Gripper putting base onto assembly table X
152104942 R1 UNLOADGRIPPER BASE/CC CORE Putting the crank case onto the handoff stand X
152104985 GRIPPER R3 Unloading crank case from the handoff stand X
152104985 GRIPPER R3 Assemble Crank Case Core
152104985 GRIPPER R3 Unload Core package from assembly table
152104985 GRIPPER R3 Putting core package onto the transfer table