Making the right business decisions is essential for any company. Do you replace your chiller with a high efficient or rebuild your existing? If you don't know the cost how do you make the right decision? ecMech Sensor System Does the system solve a problem or problems? Is the ecMech Sensor System cost justified? $$$$ Is the ecMech Sensor System unique to the industry? The ecMech is simply a variety of low cost wireless sensors for amperage, temperature, pressure, flow and humidity. Combined the sensors with state-of-the-art cloud-based analytical software and this allows for this simplest and most cost justified opportunity for facilities today!
YES ecMech Sensor System Is the ecMech Sensor System cost justified? The system is actually free because it reduces your preventative maintenance cost. Improves your energy savings by providing accountability. This is Big! Reduced diagnostics costs with analytical software to solve mechanical problems. Predictive alarms in lieu of breakdown alarms saving costly repairs.
YES ecMech Sensor System Amperage Is the ecMech Sensor System unique to the industry? YES Amperage Amperage X Voltage = Watts Watts X Cost per watt = $ dollars to operate equipment ecMech sensor system measures amperage providing the total cost of the mechanical system and individual components.
YES ecMech Sensor System Does the system solve a problem or problems? Take HVAC equipment out of “run to failure” mode and instead optimize maintenance and energy use. Ongoing commissioning of existing control system and equipment. Amperage data can provide valuable information about the amount of work that is being produced by a fan or pump and air conditioning equipment. Important diagnostics to protect the equipment. The square footage cost to operate mechanical system in dollars per time. Good info!
Chief Engineer we are producing 100 tons of AC at a of cost of $54/Hr that is higher than usual, why? Yes, I’m aware of the increase in cost per BTUs, the analytical software brought this to my attention and it also indicated that we may have a low refrigerant charge indicated from the abnormal temperature differences, flow and amperage readings.
ecMech Sensor System Information to make business decisions with their mechanical system. Tapping into existing computerized control systems is difficult and they don’t have all the data required by the owners. Amperage is seldom monitored but without it we can’t get the operating cost of the equipment. Amperage also provides us with diagnostic opportunities for predicting and identifying problems. Water flow sensors, building pressurization sensors etc. are often not included in typical DDC control systems. Providing a independent monitoring and data gathering system provides numerous advantages and eliminates any doubts that the ecMech system is interfering or altering the existing DDC control system. It just keeps it clear and simple.