self-paced eLearning series Direct Certification, Manual Processing and Reclassifying
Please allow approximately 30 minutes to complete the course. Direct Certification by Manual Process During this lesson you will be asked to follow along in your Solana environment and complete a series of exercises. Please allow approximately 30 minutes to complete the course.
In This lesson you will learn The basics of DC processing and reclassification Manual processing and building households for DC students Customizing and running Reports and Rosters
Imports are described in the lessons; Your Direct Certification data, provided in the state-provided file, can be processed in 2 ways; by import and manual processing. This lesson describes how to manually process and reclassify for Direct Certification. Imports are described in the lessons; Direct Certification Import File and Template Prep Importing and Exporting Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed This lesson applies only to processing for Direct Certification from your state-provided file. See the lesson, Processing Free and Reduced Applications for those DC applications you receive from parents/guardians.
Manually processing DCs and Building Households Students can be manually processed as Directly Certified. In this example, we’ll process Emily Alemu as Free Categorical from a state DC list. I’ll look up Emily through Student Records. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Then, click on More Details
Manually processing DCs and Building Households Click the Household tab to make sure all her siblings are members of the household. Check Direct Certified. Select F,H,M,R if applicable. This will prevent siblings from extending on the application. Check under Household Members to verify all siblings are included so that appropriate benefits can be extended. Click OK to process Emily as Free Categorical. If not, select Find Students and add them to the application.. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed
Manually processing DCs and Building Households The search match defaults to Guardian. Let’s add Richard Cheek as a member of the household. To change the criteria, use the Match By dropdown and select as needed. Select All to use the filter criteria. Use the filter criteria to find the household’s students. We’ll use Last Name and enter Cheek. Then Save. When you locate the household student, check the box . The search match defaults to Last Name (Yes! We have a lot of Emily Alemu’s in our district!) To change the criteria, use the Match By dropdown and select as needed. When you locate the other household students, check the box Check the box And Save The selected student(s) will be ‘Related’ with Benefits extended If Richard is already on an application, you’ll get this question. Select Yes to move him to this app.
Manually processing DCs and Building Households Richard is now a member of the household, Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed with Benefits extended.
Practice using the Application Search screen. Manually processing DCs and Building Households Time to exercise! Practice using the Application Search screen. Helpful Hints! Be careful! Don’t accidently add an unintended student to a household.
You can manually process a student as DC. Manually processing DCs and Building Households Key Takeaways You can manually process a student as DC. You can add siblings to households. Benefits are extended to students added to a DC household. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Next up, Reports and Rosters
The next slide shows you how to reclassify. Direct Certification reclassification Following your Direct Certification process, whether by import or manual, you may want to reclassify meal eligibilities and transactions (putting any money spent on Meals back in the Student’s account) . Best Practice is to Reclassify weekly, from the start of school, to prevent the need to resubmit your Claim. When you Reclassify Households, all Meals back to the submission date of each application will be updated. This may effect your claim count, requiring a resubmission. The next slide shows you how to reclassify. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed
Direct Certification reclassification To Reclassify Households, first make sure the DC Import includes the submission date. Navigate to >Community>Free & Reduced>Applications. Open the dropdown next to Print Letters to Reclassify Households. Important: Reclassify Households includes ALL applications based on their submission date. For example, if you reclassify for the 1st time in January, your Meal Counts back to the start of school may be effected. Best Practice is to Reclassify weekly, from the start of school, to prevent the need to resubmit your Claim. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Click OK to complete the action. Reclassify with care. Once done, the data cannot be restored.
Direct Certification reclassification Time to exercise! If you’re going to reclassify transactions, do so weekly from the start of the school year. Helpful Hints! Check your state DC file to determine if they are providing submission, or match, date.
Follow the Best Practice of Reclassifying Weekly. Direct Certification reclassification Key Takeaways You can reclassify imported or manually processed Direct Certifications. Follow the Best Practice of Reclassifying Weekly. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed Next up, Manually processing DCs and Building Households
For a report of Free Categorical students Reports and Rosters For a report of Free Categorical students Go to >Reports>Standard>Community>Roster. Then Run Pick Status Active and Eligibility Free-Categorical Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed You can use the Case dropdown to drill down to specific case types
Your report will display the Eligibility: Free- Categorical Reports and Rosters Your report will display the Eligibility: Free- Categorical Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed
Remember, these are POS letters, not Application letters. Reports and Rosters For a roster of Directly Certified students, go to Community>Student Records. Select the DC Only view. You’ll be using this roster, or similar, to select your students to receive letters. Remember, these are POS letters, not Application letters. For a roster of Free Categorical students by Eligibility Go to >Reports>Standard>Community>Roster And pick Status Active and Eligibility Free-Categorical You can use the Case dropdown to drill down to specific case types Your report will display the Eligibility: Free- Categorical
You can add the Direct Cert (or other columns) to your roster. Reports and Rosters You can add the Direct Cert (or other columns) to your roster. Click the 3 dots, Columns and check Direct Cert Y/N to include the column on your roster. For a roster of Free Categorical students by Eligibility Go to >Reports>Standard>Community>Roster And pick Status Active and Eligibility Free-Categorical You can use the Case dropdown to drill down to specific case types Your report will display the Eligibility: Free- Categorical
Customized rosters can be saved as a New View. Reports and Rosters Customized rosters can be saved as a New View. Refer to the lesson Community, focusing on Student records for detailed instructions. You can look up your Direct Cert students in Student Records by Adding the Direct Cert column (open the options under the 3 dots and choose Columns), And switching to Filter view and creating Filters as shown. Your total # of DCs will display on the bottom right of the report. Save as a New View, named DC Active Records perhaps. (The DC Only template provided by default includes Inactive DC records.) Your total # of DCs will display on the bottom right of the report.
Reports and Rosters Time to exercise! Log into Solana, take a self-guided tour and log out again. Repeat 3 times! Run a Roster Report of Free Categorical students. Then, run a DC Only roster. Helpful Hints! Go to Reports>Community>Roster for your report and Community>Student Records to build the roster.
You can customize reports for Free Categorical students. Reports and Rosters Key Takeaways You can customize reports for Free Categorical students. You can customize rosters . You can save customized rosters a New View. Wrap up the topic *User Groups have identical rights that are all ON by default *Rights can be edited for each User Group *New User Groups can be created as needed
Congratulations, You’re directly certified To Manually process DCs and build households. Reclassify transactions. Customize and run reports and rosters.
Thanks again for your time and effort. It’s appreciated!