Resumption of Rakali Watch Rakali observations in the St Kilda area
Previous monitoring by Earthcare Aims for resumed program - St Kilda Breakwater - New sites: Albert Park & Elwood Canal - Baseline data: observation only
Who, What, Where & When Earthcare volunteer network - First night about 14 volunteers - Regular volunteers about 6-8 Fortnightly monitoring Variety of sites Observation record
Observations Recorded Positive and negative interactions Intraspecific and interspecific Swimming and diving - recorded swimming over 100 m - dive times up to 16 s - speed
Food Often observed – difficult to identify Feeding middens Found on rocks and boats - Tube Worms - Crabs - Small fish - Yabbies - Bread - Penguin eggs?
Population Average Sightings Average Individuals Breakwater146 Albert Park74 Elwood Canal84
Summary Population small but stable at all sites Successful breeding Variety of food sources Program to continue