Making Civics & Citizenship fun! Petition activity Making Civics & Citizenship fun!
Give them the theory…
More theory… Examples of participation: Voting in elections Serving on a jury Paying taxes Senate committees
What about if you’re under 18 years old?
You can make a difference!
Authentic learning
Making a petition - steps complete petition template (MS Word or Group group roles: coordinator: 1 person talk at a time, everyone gets heard, everyone participates scribe conflict manager timer report: update KPS Research discuss & research topic Choose form small groups based on interest Brainstorm brainstorm issues on whiteboard Making a petition - steps
Follow through
Going deeper…analysis Why is it important that citizens participate in a democracy?
Freedoms and participation Democratic freedoms enable political participation eg freedom of speech (dissent/criticise) contact local Member of Parliament eg freedom of assembly (protest/demonstrate) rallies to save Perth Modern school = participation David Rowe Meanwhile, in Hong Kong
Relevance: bring theory to life by helping students relate to content Encourage active citizenship: use your voice! Incorporate student choice Foster collaboration skills through group work Uses
Year 8 Civics & Citizenship
Kylie Sandover