Reliability of peak cardiorespiratory responses in patients with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury1  Yagesh Bhambhani, PhD, Gary Rowland, MSc,


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Presentation transcript:

Reliability of peak cardiorespiratory responses in patients with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury1  Yagesh Bhambhani, PhD, Gary Rowland, MSc, Mamdouh Farag, BSc  Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation  Volume 84, Issue 11, Pages 1629-1636 (November 2003) DOI: 10.1053/S0003-9993(03)00343-5

Fig 1 Scatterplots showing the test-retest reliability of the peak exercise responses in patients with moderate to severe TBI (N=36). Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2003 84, 1629-1636DOI: (10.1053/S0003-9993(03)00343-5)

Fig 2 Bland-Altman plots showing the differences between the 2 trials for selected peak physiologic responses in patients with moderate to severe TBI. The solid lines identify the 95% CIs (±2 SDs above and below the mean), and the dotted lines identify the 66% CIs (±1 SD above and below the mean). See text for details. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2003 84, 1629-1636DOI: (10.1053/S0003-9993(03)00343-5)