Rats!!! Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge
Rodents Continue to Spread Diseases
Rat-borne diseases are thought to have taken more human lives in the last ten centuries than all the casualties from all wars and revolutions ever fought Gratz 1984
Rat Fleas Carry More Diseases
Rats Cause Fires by Chewing Wires
Wildlife Islands Are Vulnerable to Rats
Rats take: eggs chicks adults Cache of adult auklets
Great Circle Route Brings Many Ships By Refuge Islands
Shipwrecks Can Introduce Rats Selendang Ayu – December 2005 On refuge land on Unalaska Is.
Chil Bo San #6 Unalaska Island 1992 Rat Infested Shipwreck
Some Alaskan ports are rat infested Dutch Harbor
St. Paul & St. George Have Rat Prevention Programs
1993 – present 6 rats in a million trap nights Pribilof Islands
St. Paul 6 - Rats Killed 2 - Sighting of Fox w/ Rat 1 - Dead Rat Found 2 - Infested Ship Evicted
Integrated Pest Management Sanitation (garbage control, etc) Clean up cover (harborage for rodents) – trash, clearing brush, grass Structural Design & maintenance Proper control
Rats Nest in Net Piles – Need to be Shaken Out Before Loaded
Structural Modification Limits Rodents
Store Foods Out Of Reach Properly Control Garbage
Control Rodent Numbers with Snap traps and poison
Rodent Prevention Kits Given to Ships
Harbor PosterNewspaper Ad
We Want To Hear From You Please fill out questionnaire! Do you have rats/house mice? Are you worried about rats arriving on ships? Are you doing control? Do you need help? Comments/ideas? Poppy BensonTerry Johnson Alaska Maritime RefugeAlaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program