Legal Landscape and Related Issues Hemp Business in Kansas America’s SBDC Kansas Legal Landscape and Related Issues Hemp Business in Kansas
The times, they are a-changing’
2018 Farm Bill America’s SBDC Kansas Removal of hemp from the Controlled Substances Act Consideration of hemp as an agricultural product. Permits states and Native American tribes to apply for primary regulatory authority over production in their state or their tribal territory. Plans must include certain requirements including; Tracking land used for cultivation Approved testing methods Disposal plans for plants or products that exceed approved THC concentrations. Hemp cannot contain more than 0.3 percent of THC
Hemp at Home America’s SBDC Kansas 38 states considered legislation related to industrial hemp in 2018. Alaska, Arizona, Kansas, Missouri, New Jersey and Oklahoma established hemp research and industrial hemp pilot programs. development/state-industrial-hemp-statutes.aspx
Kansas’ Statutes Citation Summary America’s SBDC Kansas K.S.A Ch. 62 § 1 - 62 § 2 SB 263 (2018) Creates the Alternative Crop Research Act (and licensing fee fund) to promote the research and development of industrial hemp. Allows the Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA), either alone or in coordination with a state institute of higher education, to cultivate and promote research and development of industrial hemp. Directs KDA to oversee annual licensing, establish fees, and promulgate rules and regulations. Allows for a pilot program in Russell County, and other counties as determined by KDA.
Hemp Around the World America’s SBDC Kansas Global hemp retail sales totaled $3.7 billion in 2018 and are on track to grow to $5.7 billion by 2020 U.S. had $1 billion in hemp sales for 2018. U.S. hemp sales will have estimated growth to $2.6 billion by 2022 Half of that $2.6 billion will be generated from hemp-derived CBD products. That represents a 27.2% compound annual growth rate The Global State of Hemp: 2019 Industry Outlook
America’s SBDC Kansas Global State Of Hemp: 2019 Industry Outlook
America’s SBDC Kansas Global State Of Hemp: 2019 Industry Outlook
Traditional Uses of Hemp America’s SBDC Kansas Traditional Uses of Hemp Fiber Fabric Paper Rope and cordage Animal bedding Food Hemp seeds can be eaten raw, ground into hemp meal, or sprouted. The leaves of the hemp plant can be consumed raw as leafy vegetables in salads. A 100-gram portion of hulled hemp seeds supplies 586 calories. Hemp seeds provide 64% of the Daily Value of protein per 100-gram serving.
The Future of Hemp America’s SBDC Kansas Building Material Hempcrete is a mixture of hemp and lime used as a material for construction and insulation. The first use of hempcrete was in 1986 in France during the renovation of the Maison de la Turquie. Easier to work with than traditional lime mixes and acts as an insulator and moisture regulator. It lacks the brittleness of concrete and does not require expansion joints. Plastic A mixture of fiberglass, hemp fiber, kenaf, and flax has been used since 2002 to make composite panels for automobiles. Audi, BMW, Ford, GM, Chrysler, Honda, Iveco, Lotus, Mercedes, Mitsubishi, Porsche, Saturn, Volkswagen and Volvo have all used hemp plastics.
The Future of Hemp (continued) America’s SBDC Kansas The Future of Hemp (continued) Water and Soil Purification Hemp can be used as a "mop crop" to clear impurities out of wastewater, such as sewage, phosphorus from chicken litter, and other unwanted substances. Hemp is being used to clean contaminants at Chernobyl through a process called phytoremediation, in which contaminates are sequestered in the plant via absorption through its roots. Bio Fuels Biodiesel can be made from the oils in hemp seeds and stalks. Alcohol fuel (ethanol or, less commonly, methanol) can be made by fermenting the whole hemp plant.
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