Chi Square Test of Homogeneity Warm up 2/6 Work on the warm up!
Chi Square Test of Homogeneity Now let’s say I am now given this table of information on what graduates from several colleges at one university are going to do post-grad.
Chi Square Test of Homogeneity Here, we ask whether the post-grad choices made by students are the same for these four colleges. We are going to test this using the chi-square test of homogeneity.
Chi Square Test of Homogeneity Typical hypothesis test: H0: variable has the same distribution across all populations HA: the variable DOES NOT have the same distribution across all populations df = (rows – 1)(columns – 1) Requirements: SAME! Random Sample* All counts ≥ 5 Less than 10% of population
Chi Square Test of Homogeneity So, for our example: H0: Students’ post-grad choices are distributed in the same way for all four colleges HA: Students’ post-grad choices are NOT distributed in the same way for all four colleges Check conditions and determine test This is where it gets a little weird.. On your calculator: Hit 2nd - > x-1 (MATRIX) -> EDIT We have a table that is 3 rows x 4 columns
Chi Square Test of Homogeneity Now let’s put in our values.
Chi Square Test of Homogeneity Now let’s put in our values. Then go to STAT -> TESTS -> C:
Chi Square Test of Homogeneity Chi-square statistic = 54.51 P-value = 5.82 x 10-10 The P-value is very small, so we reject the null hypothesis. There is evidence that suggests that the post-grad choices of students from these four colleges don’t have the same distribution.