Rollout of insurance exchanges ACA Opinion: Divided Since Passage, Tilting More Negative Since Marketplace Rollout As you may know, a health reform bill was signed into law in 2010. Given what you know about the health reform law, do you have a generally favorable or generally unfavorable opinion of it? ACA signed into law Rollout of insurance exchanges SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Polls
Deep Partisan Divisions Persist On ACA As you may know, a health reform bill was signed into law in 2010. Given what you know about the health reform law, do you have a generally favorable or generally unfavorable opinion of it? Very Favorable Somewhat Favorable Somewhat Unfavorable Very Unfavorable Total Democrats Independents Republicans NOTE: Don’t know/Refused answers not shown. SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll (conducted April 15-21, 2014)
More Want Congress To Improve ACA Than Repeal And Replace Which would you rather see your representative in Congress do when it comes to the health care law? They should work to improve the law They should work to repeal the law and replace it with something else Total Democrats Independents Republicans NOTE: Neither of these/they should do something else and don’t know/Refused answers not shown. SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll (conducted April 15-21, 2014)
Awareness Lags Behind Favorability For Most ACA Provisions Percent who say they have a favorable opinion of each of the following and percent who say they are aware each is included in the health reform law: NOTE: Items asked of separate half samples. Response wording abbreviated. See topline for complete wording. SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll (conducted March 11-17, 2014)
Cost Is Main Barrier For Uninsured AMONG THE UNINSURED AGES 18-64: As you may know, the health care law requires nearly all Americans to have health insurance this year or else pay a fine. Which of the following comes closest to why you personally have not gotten health insurance this year? NOTE: Some other reason (vol.) and Don’t know/Refused responses not shown. SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll (conducted April 15-21, 2014)
Impressions of ACA Based Mainly On News Media Is your impression of the health care law based mainly on your own experience, what you’ve seen and heard on television, radio, and in newspapers, what you’ve learned from friends and family, or some other source? SOURCE: Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll (conducted February 11-17, 2014)