Communication According to “Crusty,” communication is “the process of making, keeping, and changing relationships with others.” Occurs when you send and/or receive a message and when you assign meaning to such message
Interpersonal Communication Communication that happens between or among people is interpersonal People also constantly communicate with themselves, but that is intrapersonal.
Verbal Communication that comes from written and spoken symbols. Basically, verbal communication refers only to the words that are spoken and their literal, dictionary definitions.
Nonverbal Communication that goes beyond the words that are said This can involve physical things: gestures, facial expressions, movements, etc. However, it can also involve vocal aspects such as inflection, volume, etc. Examples – Tshirts, gestures, facial expressions, proximity to someone, wearing jewelry, touching someone
Components of Communication Message Channel Receiver Sender Interference Situation
Message whatever a speaker communicates to someone else GOAL of a message is that the INTENDED message matches the ACTUAL message dependent upon verbal (what you say) and nonverbal (how you say it)
Listener/Receiver person who receives communicated message filters messages through frame of reference (prior knowledge) frame of reference – total of his or her knowledge, experience, goals, values, and attitudes; everyone’s is different Listening involves receiving understanding remembering evaluating responding
Speaker/Sender Sends out messages Can be verbal or nonverbal messages Can be aware and sometimes unaware of messages being sent out
Theories of Communication
Linear Model earliest theory – speaker spoke and listener listened in isolation Message Speaker Listener
Interactional View speaker and listener seen as exchanging turns as speaker and listener; response to what the other said still separate acts that didn’t overlap Speaker Listener Listener Speaker
Transactional Process simultaneous speaking and listening As one sends the message, he/she also receives from own communications and from reactions of the other person. Message Speaker/ Listener Speaker/ Listener Message
Channel medium through which message signals pass (how the message is communicated) Examples: telephone, e-mail, face to face, note, TV, radio, etc.
Types of Channels vocal-auditory – what you speak and how you listen visual – gestures chemical – odors emitted; smells tactile – anything that can be touched
Situation the environment that influences the form and the content of communication sometimes so natural you ignore it sometimes it stands out and affects your communication
Interference/Static anything that gets in the way of communication interferes with your receiving a message someone is sending or with him/her receiving the message
Types of Interference Physical – loud talking, honking horn, illegible handwriting, “garbage” on computer screen Physiological – hearing or visual impairment, articulation disorder Psychological – preconceived ideas, wandering thoughts Semantic – misunderstood meanings
Process of Interpersonal Communication Situation s i t u a o n s i t u a o n Sender/Receiver Sender/Receiver Interference/Static