SJHS Rising Senior Night 2010 Making the Most of Your Senior Year!
What does 12th grade mean? More freedom More responsibility More diversity More activities More independent work More opportunity to make good/bad decisions Alliance = teamwork with parents, teachers, counselors, principals, and YOU!
“Making High School Count” A review from 9th grade: Your Grade Point Average (GPA) COUNTS: Most employers look at GPA when reviewing job applications! ALL colleges have GPA requirements (The higher your GPA, the better your chance at landing a spot in the college of your choice!) Employers and colleges have started to look at discipline and attendance records, too!
What to do now: Prepare for the fall SAT/ACT exams by taking practice tests online. This is also where you will register in early September 2010 for the fall exams. Test dates: SEPT, OCT, DEC Test dates: OCT, NOV, DEC SJHS code: 411472 Sign up with Mr. Rich for the TRIUMPH college test preparation program Add our SAT/ACT Prep class as an elective (S1B3)!
What to do now: Do your best these last few weeks of school: Start reviewing for finals NOW! Turn in every assignment! Make up all missed work and days via Saturday school Finish QTR 4 with grades as close to 100% as you can manage (Every percentage point counts and increases your overall GPA!) View the SJHS Guidance link for a list of this year’s scholarship opportunities = a resource of what may be available next year for you!
What to do this summer: Start organizing a resume and portfolio of all accomplishments, awards, letters of recommendation, extracurriculars, community and volunteer activities. Review scholarship opportunities via websites like and Visit colleges that interest you via online or main campus visits; schedule meetings with college admissions counselors Use as a resource for using the college planning timeline, career and college searches, and financial aid information. Check out the SJHS website—get familiar with the guidance link information and reference it often!
What to do the fall of your senior year: Have your parents schedule your Senior Conference with the guidance office Begin submitting applications to colleges Take/re-take the SAT or ACT if necessary Ask teachers, employers, community members for letters of recommendation Schedule college visits Search for scholarships and submit by the deadlines Search for other financial aid sources Continue to do your BEST in school; no “senior-itis” Attend all senior advisory sessions for important monthly updates Attend September scholarship workshop focusing on where to find scholarships and examining the SC Lottery Tuition Scholarship opportunities
What to do in Jan/Feb of 2011: Send mid-year reports to colleges (Semester 1 grades) Continue doing your best in school Parents: File your Free Federal Financial Aid Form (FAFSA) as soon as your tax return is complete (The only way to receive any lottery tuition money is via filing the FAFSA!) Continue to search/apply for scholarships Attend our financial aid workshop featuring representatives from local colleges. Topics: FAFSA completion, need-based $ opportunities
What to do in April of 2011: Make final college decision and mail deposit to chosen school Notify in writing all schools of your choice Visit schools where you have been accepted Continue to do your BEST!
What to do in May/June 2011: Request final transcript be sent to college of choice Follow procedure for securing college housing and schedule orientation date Athletes: Request final transcript for NCAA Eligibility Center Continue to do your BEST!
On a Final Note…words of wisdom from Bill Gates If you think your teacher is tough, wait until you get a boss! If you mess up, it’s not your parents’ (teachers’, friends’) fault…don’t whine about your mistakes; learn from them. Television is NOT real life—in real life, people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to work. Be nice to nerds…chances are you’ll end up working for one
Thank You! Without your help, our students cannot reach their full potential! Please call the guidance office regarding any questions you may have after tonight’s presentation; we are here to help!