MAJOR COMPONENTS OF A VIDEO TRACKING SYSTEM FOR CORROSION MAPPING 1 CCTV Camera Aimed at test area 2 TD Pocket-ScanPS45 TD-Scan, TD Handy-ScanRX or TD Focus-Scan THE RESULT: Positional signal from video & UT signal from probe are combined to form a depth related colour-graphic image of the scan area in map view ( C’-scan) with related side views. 4 Video Tracking Target Attached To Probe 3 0° UT Probe - Manual scan
Corrosion Mapping – Video Tracking
MAJOR COMPONENTS OF A SEMI-AUTOMATED OR AUTOMATED CORROSION MAPPING SYSTEM 2 TD Pocket-ScanPS45 TD-Scan, TD Handy-ScanRX or TD Focus-Scan THE RESULT: Positional signal from the encoders & UT signal from probe are combined to form a depth related colour-graphic image of the scan area in map view ( C’-scan) with related side views. 1 0° UT Probe & Auto Scanner 3 Scanner moves Probe in Raster pattern
Corrosion Mapping - Automated Courtesy of Mechanical Integrity Inc.
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