Firing rate during consummatory behavior at the early training time point. Firing rate during consummatory behavior at the early training time point. Cells that were significantly modulated during consumption were identified by d' analysis. A, Firing rate of cells the exhibited a significant reduction in firing rate during consumption at the early training time point. B, Firing rate of cells that increased their firing rate during consumption at the early training time point. Data presented in C, D represent the mean ± SEM indicated by the shaded area for each line. C, For cells that exhibited a reduction in firing rate, the rates were significantly lower during the consumption epoch than during the pre- or postconsumption epochs, and firing rates remained lower during the postconsumption period than during the preconsumption epoch. D, In contrast, no significant differences were observed in the preconsumption, consumption, or postconsumption epochs in the cell that were identified as showing an increase in firing rate during the consummatory epoch. Data represent the mean ± SEM indicated by shaded area for each line (A, B) or error bars (C, D); **p < 0.01. Jacqueline M. Barker et al. eNeuro 2017;4:ENEURO.0337-17.2017 ©2017 by Society for Neuroscience