DSPS Allocations with New Formula Covering and


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Presentation transcript:

DSPS Allocations with New Formula Covering 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 CCCCO Presentation on DSPS Allocations with New Formula Covering 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 This is excerpted from the All Directors Training Power Point Presented on February 4, 2019

DSPS ALLOCATION OF 2018-2019 Used the 2017-2018 data (prior year) with the old weights Had a 95% guarantee in place for each college from the previous year Included a known COLA before deciding on the value of a WSC unit (we do not have a known COLA for 2019-2020 allocation) There was a base allocation of $72,592 for each college (this goes away for next allocation) 90% of allocation used for WSC and 10% for College Effort (with a consistent percentage for all colleges)

DSPS ALLOCATIONS for 2019-2020 All new formula in place – simulation with current information Weighted Student Count (WSC) has new weights and disability groups in place (Headcount = 121,819; WSC = 427,694.3) The guarantee is only at 90% of the previous year’s allocation, but no less than $150,000 per college The distribution of the state’s funding for DSPS is 80% for WSC and up to 20% for College Effort after PADS & other projects money has been allocated for statewide projects/supports (approx. $16.3M)

Disability Categories and Weights Category Weight DHH 23.7 Autism (New) 3.8 LD 3.5 Blind and Low Vision 2.9 Acquired Brain Injury 2.6 Other (incl Speech) Mental Health (Psych) Mobility (Physical) 2 Intellectual Disabilities (DDL) ADHD (new) 1 Using the student’s primary disability, you will multiply the headcount in that disability group by the weight in the table on the left. Adding all disability category totals together will give you one grand total. That number will be multiplied by the value of a unit (dependent on the statewide totals divided by the amount of funds for WSC).

WSC = Disability Category Weight X Headcount (example) DHH AU LD V ABI OT MH MO ID AD TOTAL Weight 23.7 3.8 3.5 2.9 2.6 2 1 --- ABC College Headcount 10 20 50 15 5 40 35 25 260 Equals WSC 237 76 175 43.5 13 130 104 70 893.5

Value of Weighted Student Count Grand total of WSC for all colleges = 427,694.3 Divided into 80% of allocation = $83.2M, subject to change Amount per unit value of WSC = $195.25 (a change from 18/19; $383) Unit value of WSC x Your college WSC total = Allocation for WSC

DSPS Formula for 2019-2020 factors… The prior-prior WSC and College Effort amounts will be used for the calculation (that means 2017-2018 data for 2019-2020). 90% guarantee means you will not receive less than 90% of the previous years budget for WSC and College Effort. This does not include DHH, ATP or FTES amounts. There is no longer a base allocation. There may be a maximum increase due to the 90% guarantee and the Coordinator Funding Guarantee (CFG) of $150,000 minimum that must be allocated with the available funds. Funding to all other colleges is proportional to match available statewide budget funds.

DSPS Formula for 2019-2020 factors… (cont.) With 80% of the available statewide funds used for WSC, the actual dollar amount is decreased from last year (from $86M to $83M) College Effort funds are now at 20% of the available statewide funds, approximately $21M now (up from $9.5M). Approximately $16.3M funds are used for PADS & projects, similar to last years funding (possibly less as travel will be college expense)

Changes in value for the FTES of EAC CREDIT FTES New value of FTES is $3727 (it was $5150) which means $2608 per FTES (a loss of $997 per FTES from last year) Full FTES values change for 2019/20 ($3,387) and 20/21 ($3047) NON-CREDIT FTES New value is $3347 (it was $3097) which means $3012 per FTES (a gain of $225 per FTES from last year). Title 5 Section 56070 states that revenue from EACs shall be used for provision of academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, services and/or instruction pursuant to Sections 56026 and 56028.

College Effort – What is it? Any general funds dollars that are spent on appropriate services for students with disabilities (SWD); appropriate services are identified in Title 5; general fund dollars are non-categorical or unrestricted dollars. College effort is calculated as a proportion of the total amount of general funds that the college contributes to DSPS, divided by the DSPS budget of the college. This proportion is ranked across the state and given a percentage and compared to the available funds in this area. Shared proportional College Effort is dependent on available funds after the 90% guarantee or CFG/$150,000 minimum. College effort is not provided to colleges that have received these guarantees for the year of funding.

What does this mean? Non-Categorical or often identified as “restricted funds” SSSP, Student Equity This means that your funds often need to come from the “general unrestricted funds” to count toward College Effort : Section 56064 lists allowable expenses Section 56068 lists non-allowable expenses

Examples of appropriate use of college effort Interpreting services for students that are Deaf to support access to college activities/classes Purchase of adapted equipment for use by SWD Expenses of faculty (instructional or counseling) and staff that serve SWD Expenses related to outreach needs for incoming high school SWD Software purchases to support necessary documentation needs for SWD

College Effort (CE) Formula The percentage of CE to total DSPS budget interprets into a percentage of the available funds for College Effort For example, $5,000 in CE compared to a budget of $550,000 = .009 (the percentage at your college) All percentages were added up to divide into the total funds available to establish the unit value of CE for 2019/20 = $487,866.06 $20.8M/42.6 = unit value of CE Your college percentage times the unit value of CE is your CE allocation. For the example above it would be: $487,866.06 x .009 = $4390

Data Mart Provides information on the disability categories and the headcount at your college; referred to as the Management Information System (MIS) report (You need to review this before it is sent to CCCCO). That information is used to develop the Weighted Student Count later by multiplying the headcount with the assigned weight per disability category. When posted, you are responsible to check to see that it matches what you already reviewed on the campus before sending the information.

Data Mart – Other considerations MIS is in the process of programming a way to catch changes that have occurred during a reporting year. If disability is changed due to new documentation, the highest weighted disability is used. If disability is changed due to a user error on input, the highest weighted disability is used. In the past, these changes were hand corrected for the final WSC and have shown up as different in the DataMart system. Minimizing changes during a reporting year is necessary for accuracy.

Simulation All disability information from 2017-2018 is being used for the WSC allocation for 2019-2020 All College Effort use from 2017-2018 is being used for the College Effort allocation for 2019-2020 using the percentiles discussed At the time of this presentation, we do not know the possibility of any COLA that will be applied to the DSPS Allocation for 2019-2020, so these values can change based on whether a COLA is eventually applied (Gov. proposal of 3.46% COLA for 2019-2020/ past year final COLA was 2.71%)

Simulation considerations 2019-2020 The value of a unit of WSC is $195.25 The 80/20 split allows for $83M for WSC and $20.8M for College Effort (with COLA maybe $86.1M WSC & $21.5M CE) The simulation does not include the value of funds from DHH. The formula is the same, but the weight of the disability to establish college need is different so it will be different in 2019-2020 from the 2018-2019 amount of allocation.


Reconvene at 2:45 for Regional Breakout Sessions

Regional Breakouts In your breakout groups…consider these questions… What is your college doing to support SWD with college effort dollars? Discuss AB705 and what you're doing for students with disabilities. What does your college offer to support student success with EAC’s? Other supports if no EAC’s? What kinds of EAC’s do you offer?

Reporting Out, Q & A, Evaluation

Thank you for your participation! Wishing you safe travels home, from CCCCO and DSPS Solutions