Schemes of the structural color materials with autonomic regulation capability. Schemes of the structural color materials with autonomic regulation capability.


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Presentation transcript:

Schemes of the structural color materials with autonomic regulation capability. Schemes of the structural color materials with autonomic regulation capability. (A) Structural color regulation mechanism of chameleons, which is achieved by controlling the dermal iridophores to actively tune their guanine nanocrystal lattice PBGs. (B) Schematic diagram of the construction of the bioinspired self-regulated structural color hydrogels by assembling engineered cardiomyocyte tissues on synthetic inverse opal hydrogel films. Fanfan Fu et al. Sci. Robotics 2018;3:eaar8580 Copyright © 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works