Title I Annual Parent Meeting


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Presentation transcript:

Title I Annual Parent Meeting 2017-2018 Welcome Introduce self Please remember to sign in

Title I: Federal Educational Program What is Title I? The largest federal program supporting education Supports the academic growth of students attending Title I Schools. Provides supplemental support to those students that are the furthest from meeting the standards the state has set for all students Title I: Federal Educational Program Title 1 funding is used to improve the academic learning field for students struggling to succeed in a similar manner as their peers. Title 1 funding pays for Lead teachers, Academic Coaches at the MS level, Achievement & Family Associates, & the Family Reading Experience for 13 school in CCPS. Title 1 also provides funding for learning programs for English Language Learners.

Title I: Federal Educational Program Title I Goals Ensure that every student has a high- quality education Challenges and motivates students Provide highly qualified teachers, who use proven teaching methods Ensure a safe, drug free learning environment Title I: Federal Educational Program

Title I: Federal Educational Program How does Title I help my school? Supports the Family Reading and Resource Experience Provides for the Achievement and Family Associate para-professional Provides for the Lead Teacher Supports Family Engagement Title I: Federal Educational Program When you sign in for school meetings and events, the documentation helps CCPS show how we use the Title 1 funding & why it should not be cut (and maybe INCREASED!) As with any government run program, paperwork & Documentation are a key component of receiving the funds.

School Wide Programs

Our students are in a Title I School-wide program Our students are in a Title I School-wide program. This means that our Title I money can be used to upgrade the educational program in ways that may impact every student in the school . This also means that every family of a student in our school is a Title I famliy! The schools set goals for improvement, measure student progress, using standards set forth by the FL DOE, develop programs that add to regular classroom instruction, and involve parents in all aspects of the program. School Wide Programs

Supplemental teaching methods and materials Supports Supplemental teaching methods and materials

Professional Development for staff Data Days School determined PD Supports Workshops Conferences Professional Development for staff

Supports Family Engagement FSA for Families School determined events Thinking Maps for Families Reading Workshops Family Engagement Conference Family Engagement Transition to Kindergarten Transition to Middle School And more!

Parents’ Right to Know

Right to know what? That your school is a Title I School Deep Creek Elementary East Elementary Kingsway Elementary Liberty Elementary Meadow Park Elementary Myakka River Elementary Neil Armstrong Elementary Peace River Elementary Sallie Jones Elementary Vineland Elementary Port Charlotte Middle School Murdock Middle School The Academy Right to know what? That your school is a Title I School all CCPS elementary schools, Port Charlotte MS, Murdock MS, & The Academy are Title I schools Parents have the right and opportunity to be a part of the planning for school improvement and academic success. Parents and families are a part of the education team that help our students be successful.

Families have the right to participate on the Parent and Family Engagement Planning Team To know what is being done to improve your school Whether your school is safe and drug free Right to know what?

That the paraprofessional working with your child is highly qualified That your child’s teacher is qualified and certified for the grade and subject taught That the paraprofessional working with your child is highly qualified Right to know what? Parents may request information about their child’s teacher being certified & qualified certified for the grade taught. Parents may request information about their child’s para-professional being highly qualified. BTW all CCPS paraprofessionals are HQ!

Your child’s academic progress Standardized test results (such as FSA result) Classroom Grades Progress monitoring The right to participate in the education of your child Right to know what? Ask about your child’s Florida State Assessment scores. Find out what they mean and how they may impact your child’s academics. Ask about your child’s iReady scores, grades, academic and social progress. You are THE important factor in your child’s academic success. Classroom Teachers are 2nd only to Parents in effecting academic growth.

Family engagement is not just nice, it is NECESSARY for school success Student academic and personal growth are continuous and require continuous support. To be successful, students need their family’s support, their school’s support AND the community’s support. Title 1 helps to support not just the students but also the involvement of families, schools, & community. Education is a team effort and all players are needed for success.

YOU! You are your child’s first teacher. YOU have the biggest influence on your child’s education. YOU know your child – share the knowledge! With your child’s teacher(s) Ask about academic progress and other areas of progress Weekly family visits to the Family Reading & Resource Center Keys to success…FAMILY! Families and schools working together

Ways for Families to Be ENGAGED with SCHOOL Parent Teacher Organization (P.T.O.) School Advisory Committee (S.A.C.) Parent-Teacher Conferences Student Led Conferences Family Engagement Activities Parent & Family Engagement Plan School Improvement Plan Parent-School Compact

Ways for Families to Be ENGAGED with SCHOOL Families engaged in District- wide Plan development Families engaged in School Improvement Planning (SIP) Annual review of Family Engagement Policy

School Public Accountability Report (SPAR) SPAR informs parents and the community about each school’s: Demographic data School Safety and climate for learning Academic data Graduation rates School Public Accountability Report (SPAR) Find your school’s report in the front office, the Family Reading Experience and/or on your school’s webpage. Find your school’s report in the front office, the Family Reading Experience and/or on your school’s webpage.

SPAR informs parents and the community about each school’s: Public Accountability Report (SPAR) SPAR informs parents and the community about each school’s: Class sizes Teacher and staff information Curriculum and instruction descriptions Postsecondary preparation information

Follow Charlotte County Public School Title I Team! @CCPST1 on Follow Charlotte County Public School Title I Team!

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Thank you! You are an important part of your child’s academic success and we are glad you are here!