Possible mechanisms of recognition of MHCIlow tumor cells by NSCs Possible mechanisms of recognition of MHCIlow tumor cells by NSCs. (A) NSCs were incubated with the indicated mAb (or purified MIg from normal mice = w.o.) for three hours at 4˚C, and then added directly to B16gp tumor cells. Possible mechanisms of recognition of MHCIlow tumor cells by NSCs. (A) NSCs were incubated with the indicated mAb (or purified MIg from normal mice = w.o.) for three hours at 4˚C, and then added directly to B16gp tumor cells. Control NSC-B16 cell cultures at 1:10, 1:30 and 1:100 ratios were made, whereas mAb-treated cultures were analyzed at a 1:100 ratio. In vitro culture was for 3 days; tumor cells were then harvested and analyzed for H-2Db expression by flow cytometry. (B) Spleen cells or non-Ig+ cells (approx. T cells, >90% CD3+) from B6 (closed circles) or (B6 x CBA) F1 (open circles) mice were cultured with B16gp cells for 3 days. The tumor cells were then isolated and analyzed for expression of H-2Db by flow cytometry. The capacity to induce an increase in MHCI expression on MHCIlow tumor cells by B6 effector cells is significantly higher (P < 0.001) than by (B6 x CBA) F1 cells. Bent Rubin et al. Cancer Immun 2008;8:14 Copyright © 2008 by Bent Rubin