The Structure of the novel: Part 2 The Games The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
I know the setting of the text and I know the importance of voice I know the reading strategies and can use them to comprehend a text I know the choices the author makes in relation to characters Learning Intentions
Themes to consider Dystopian world Alliances Survival Rebellion Reality TV Surveillance Control Themes to consider
Would you be a contender? Would you survive the Hunger Games? How? Quick Write
Part 2: The Games Synopsis Let the Games begin! All 24 of the tributes are transported to the arena to fight it out. Katniss is on her own at first, but then she discovers that Peeta has teamed up with the Career Tributes – the strong kids from the rich districts in Panem who actually want to go to the Hunger Games. They eventually corner her in a tree, but she drops a tracker jacker nest on them ( a genetically mutated killer wasp) and scores a bow and arrow in the process. After this, Katniss teams up with Rue, a girl from District 11 who reminds her of her sister Prim. The two are able to take out the Career Tributes' food supply, which totally infuriates their leader, Cato. Also, Peeta doesn't appear to be teamed up with them anymore. Part 2: The Games Synopsis
Unfortunately, Rue is killed by one of the Career Tributes Unfortunately, Rue is killed by one of the Career Tributes. Katniss honours her by covering her body in flowers. After Rue's death, the gamemakers changes the rules of the game: two people from a single district can now win. Before she can stop herself, Katniss calls out Peeta's name. Synopsis Continued
Before the tributes go into the arena they are implanted with a tracking device. Turn and talk to the student next to you and take brief notes of your responses in your books so that you can report back. What is the purpose of the trackers? How does the tracker tie in with the idea of a dystopian society? Turn and talk
You need to sort out the games in your head You need to sort out the games in your head. It might seem like the games happen quickly , however they take place over 18 days. You need to plot those days on the table you have been given. Use the guide on the table to assist you. Tribute deaths and key events for each day in the arena Task 1 Day Male Tribute & District (Name if known) Female Tribute & District (Name if known What happens on that day 1 Chpt 11 District 9 District 3 The start of the Games Katniss gets backpack 2 Chpt 11/12 3 Chpt 12 4 Chpt 13 5 Chpt 14
In the early days of the games, Katniss is merely playing a defensive game. She doesn’t really take any direct action except to feed herself. But she manages to survive. In pairs LIST the skills Katniss uses for her survival. Explain how each of those skills are a benefit to her. Theme: Survival
Throughout the games we see that several of the tributes form alliances. Who forms alliances? For what purpose? Who benefits? Draw up the following table in your books and complete the information. List the skills and benefits that Rue and Katniss bring to each other as allies. Alliances RUE KATNISS Skill How it helps Katniss How it helps Rue
Strategies employed by Katniss and Rue when they form their alliance. When Katniss teams up with Rue they decide to start an offensive campaign. Katniss and Rue decide to take the fight to the tributes who are left. Complete the table that you have been given to identify both the defensive and the offensive strategies employed by Katniss. Strategies employed by Katniss and Rue when they form their alliance. Defensive Strategy Offensive Strategy Katniss finds a sturdy tree to climb in order to spend the night out of sight of the others. Katniss begins to think of a plan to destroy the Careers’ food supplies rather than to continue to hide and run away.
How do things change when you are no longer in charge but on the defensive? Quick Write
Alliances and survival After Rue’s death the Gamemakers change the rules and announce that two people from a single district can now win. Katniss calls out Peeta’s name. It is clear that she believes she can form an alliance with him. Turn and discuss with the person sitting next to you whether Katniss’ desire to team up with Peeta is just because she wants to survive. Alliances and survival
Rebellion There many instances of rebellion in the arena. Make a list of incidents and explain how they are acts of rebellion. For example: Katniss whispering with Rue while the Anthem is being played. Katniss speaking to the cameras when she receives the bread from District 11. Rebellion