21st Century University Initiative Steering Committee and Content Area Committees February, 2013
DRAFT To advance the aims of the 21st Century University Initiative, a Steering Committee and Four Content Area Committees have been commissioned by the Provost to broadly engage campus stakeholders in a series of discussions about the future of the University of Louisville. 21st Century University Steering Committee Technology, Demographics, and Engagement Committee Academic and Research Priorities Committee Financial Health Committee Culture of Excellence Committee Each of the four content area committees will lead an effort to provide perspectives about key questions facing the university and offer suggestions for moving the University forward Each content committee is composed of a “core” set of committee members, as well as an advisory group that will further break into subcommittees. Each of the four committees will organize itself into subcommittees for more focused deliberations on specific topics and issues. (Some identified—others to be established at discretion of the committee)
Technology/On-Line Subcommittee Enrollment Subcommittee DRAFT Technology, Demographics, and Engagement Committee Four subcommittees (among others determined by the committee) will report to the committee: Technology/On-Line Subcommittee Enrollment Subcommittee International Subcommittee Engagement Subcommittee
Academic Subcommittee Research Subcommittee Service Subcommittee DRAFT Academic and Research Priorities Committee Three subcommittees (among others determined by the committee) will be established and report to the committee: Academic Subcommittee Research Subcommittee Service Subcommittee
Budget Model Subcommittee Business Services Subcommittee DRAFT Financial Health Committee Four subcommittees (among others determined by the committee) shall be established and report to the committee: Budget Model Subcommittee Business Services Subcommittee Asset Utilization Subcommittee Purchasing Subcommittee (in place)
Workplace Subcommittee Student Subcommittee DRAFT Culture of Excellence Committee Three subcommittees (among others determined by the committee) shall be established and report to the committee: Workplace Subcommittee Student Subcommittee Shared Governance Subcommittee