The Mexican War James K. Polk- President A. Oregon Country Polk favored expansion He took office in 1845. His first goal was to take control of Oregon Country He agreed to a compromise with Britain. Oregon was divided at latitude 49°N. Britain received lands north of the line and the U.S. kept all lands south
B. Texas Texas was annexed to the U.S. in 1845 This act outraged the Mexican. Mexicans were worried about rebellions in California and New Mexico The U.S. and Mexico argued over the border area between the Rio Grand and Nueces rivers. General Zachary Taylor and his troops were sent in to settle the dispute. Both armies clashed resulting in numerous deaths The U.S. declared war on Mexico
II. War with Mexico A. Divisions: many Americans were divided over the war. Northerners felt it was a plot to add more slaves states to the Union B. 3 Part Plan: 1. drive Mexicans out of Texas a. General Taylor met Santa Anna at the battle of Buena Vista and was victorious.
2. seize Mexico and California b. General St. Kearny captured major cities in California-this led to the U.S. control of the territory 3. capture Mexico City c. General Winfield Scott captured Mexico City, September 1847
III. War is Over! Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo- ended war with Mexico Mexico gave up all claims to Texas; the border was set at the Rio Grand River Mexican Cession: Mexico gave up California and New Mexico in return for 15 million dollars
B. Gasden Purchase- the U. S B. Gasden Purchase- the U.S. bought a small strip of land (Arizona and New Mexico) for 10 million dollars. *Americans needed the land to finish a railroad. * with this purchase, many Americans felt that Manifest Destiny had been fulfilled
C. Contributions- after 1848 many Americans settled in the Southwest 1. The Americans learned new ways of life a. mining b. irrigation c. new words (tortilla, soda, tornado) were added to the English language