Welcome to the University of Cincinnati’s Women in Medicine & Science Chapter Est. 2015 April 25, 2018 12-1 PM MSB-2001
AGENDA Treasurer’s Report - Erin Haynes, DrPH Committee Reports Welcome & Introductions - Erin Haynes, DrPH Treasurer’s Report - Erin Haynes, DrPH Committee Reports Fundraising, Erin Haynes, DrPH Health Policy, Vinita Takiar, MD & Jennifer Cavitt, MD Mentorship, Zalfa Abdel-Malek, PhD & Rebecca Howell, MD Data Committee Revitalization Upcoming WIMS Elections Collaboration with other women organizations across campus & in the city Upcoming Events New Business/Initiatives, Open Discussion
Erin Haynes, DrPH on behalf of Treasurer’s Report Erin Haynes, DrPH on behalf of Mercedes Falciglia, MD WIMS Fund Update Donating to WIMS Fund
Fundraising Committee Report Erin Haynes, DrPH
Health Policy Committee Report Jennifer Cavitt, MD Vinita Takiar, MD UC Women’s Physician’s Facebook Group Email either Amanda Jackson or Vinita Takiar to join Negotiating Group Discounts: Dream Dinners (Cincinnati West, Blue Ash, West Chester or Anderson): www.dreamdinners.com 10% of a new guest (or has not used in 1 year) order with code 2018NEWGUEST10. Can also use Introductory Offer of $84.99 to assemble 6 meals (3 servings each) or 3 meals (6-servings each) (10% will not apply) Safersit: www.safersit.com 1st booking fee waived with code UCWIM CincyNanny: www.cincynanny.com) 10% discount for group members Please email Vinita if you want any other discounts negotiated
Health Policy Committee Report, continued Jennifer Cavitt, MD Vinita Takiar, MD Effective January 1, there is new Paid Parental Time-Off (PPTO) available to clinical (non-AAUP) faculty. This was presented at the March 14th WIMS meeting. Slides from Sheila McCormack (HR Director) are posted on the WIMS website under Meetings. See your department's HR rep if you have questions about your individual situation. WIMS played a role in strongly advocating for this new policy.
Mentorship Committee Report Zalfa Abdel-Malek, PhD Rebecca Howell, MD Mentorship Committee Group Level Assessment
Data Committee Revitalization?
Upcoming WIMS Elections From WIMS Bylaws: Elections will be held every year in July to elect EC officers and representatives. Nominations will be solicited from the UC COM faculty in June prior to elections. The following EC positions will be on the ballot: President-elect, secretary-elect, treasurer-elect, COM representatives (2 basic sciences, 2 clinical sciences). Terms will begin on August 1 and will be held for 1 year. President-elect and secretary-elect will continue on to serve a full year as president or secretary, respectively. President, President-elect, Secretary, Secretary-elect, Treasurer, and Treasurer-elect must be COM faculty.
Collaboration with other Women Organizations CCHMC Women’s Faculty Association UC Health – Professional Women’s Association University of Cincinnati Women’s Club WISE (Women in Science & Engineering) Greater Cincinnati Association for Women in Science Other organizations?
Upcoming Events… Faculty Enrichment Center Open Forum Thursday, April 26, 1-2 PM, MSB E-351 Last WIMS Meeting of the Academic Year! Wednesday, May 30, 12-1 PM, MSB-2001 Topic: Faculty Burnout Speaker: Jennifer Molano, MD
New Business/Initiatives Open Discussion