Nikki Parks and Denise Cabeza Advisor, Dr. Brent Polk The Effect of Epidermal Growth Factor on Intestinal Epithelial Cell Receptors Nikki Parks and Denise Cabeza Advisor, Dr. Brent Polk
Wound Closure Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) plays a large role in intestinal epithelial wound closure EGF-receptor concentration in migrating cell
Purpose Diseases such as peptic ulcers, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis Possible enhancement of wound closure using EGF-receptors
Objectives Develop an assay that will : allow examination of the distribution of EGF receptors (fused with a fluorescent protein) on a cell membrane confirm the expected result; that EGF receptors concentrate on the leading edge of a cell migrating towards EGF
Completed Tasks Read background text learned to perform cell cultures learned how to perform video microscopy learned to use Dunn Direct-Viewing Chamber
Current Work Using the Dunn chamber to study the localization of EGF receptors using antibody detection in fixed cells
Future Plans Living cells will be examined using a confocal laser microscope to observe cells during migration Cells will be observed in both the presence and absence of EGF Redistribution of EGF receptors will be observed in a dynamic assay