Teaching Competencies for One-to-One Classrooms: A Reveal to Maryland’s Educators Andrea Parrish, Bill Sadera, and Scot McNary Towson University Presentation for Maryland Common Ground Ocean City, MD May 3, 2019 https://tinyurl.com/CG19OnetoOne
The One-to-One Learning Environment Spires et al. (2009)
Create Valid Instrument(s) Research Overview National Delphi Study 2016-2017 Share Competencies 2017-2018 Create Valid Instrument(s) 2019-2020 Primary Goal: Identify teaching competencies needed in student-centered, one-to-one learning environments Primary Goals: Publish the results Present results to researchers and practitioners Primary Goals: Develop professional development resources Examine readiness of teachers
Development of the Competencies Delphi Method = A process for organizing group communication so that experts gain consensus on a complex issue Participants (Experts): Highly selective process to identify 37 researchers, administrators, support personnel and teachers with 1:1 expertise from across the U.S. Purpose: To determine the teaching competencies required of educators who facilitate instruction in student-centered, one-to-one learning environments
The Delphi Study 1. Literature review led to a draft of competencies 3. Final inventory was determined based on statistical consensus Those deemed “appropriate” by the panel remained Those deemed “inappropriate” were discarded 2. Expert panel reviewed and revised draft competencies Three rounds of online data collection Expert ratings (9-point scale) Expert suggestions Consensus building techniques 1. Literature review led to a draft of competencies
The Inventory of Teaching Competencies Available for download at http://wp.towson.edu/aparrish/results/ Made up of 30 teaching competencies in 5 areas: Instructional Planning Instructional Delivery Assessment of Learning Classroom Management Professionalism and Leadership
Current Study Develop a needs assessment instrument that can be used to: Guide professional development offered to teachers Determine teacher readiness for one-to-one classrooms Support teachers in setting personal growth goals “Can you help me, Ms. Martin? This wasn’t covered in any of my technology trainings!”
How You Can Get Involved Provide feedback via the sample survey Subscribe to the project website for future updates and training resources Share the inventory with colleagues Sample Survey available at https://tinyurl.com/CG19OnetoOne