Welcome to 4th Grade!!! Shark School August 19th
4th Grade Team Carol Cape John Severson Becky Moffett Heather Feagins Karen McClurg
Parent Communication SFE Website (with 4th Grade / Teacher pages) Teacher Email Binder Student Planner Phone Calls Conferences
Take Home Folder This is a yellow folder that will come home weekly. Important papers ( that can be kept at home!) Conduct form- Please sign weekly
Homework Teaches responsibility Provides quality time together and allows parents to model the importance of learning Student’s planner signed nightly Provides review and practice Generally includes Reading Log, Spelling, and Math or Science
Arrival and Dismissal 7:55 students are called back to their room 8:05 students are tardy No cell phones in “School Zone” If your child is a car rider at dismissal please go through the car rider line to pick them up.
Your child’s teacher will contact you if there is a need. Tutoring Your child’s teacher will contact you if there is a need. 7:30-7:55
Library 1. your class's library day (students can get a new book ANY day of the week) 2. We have had MANY books ruined and parents had to pay for.... leaking water bottles in backpacks. Putting the bottle in the outside side pocket doesn't keep the water from soaking up into the bag. We are also having mold growing on books because they are damp from the condensation on the water bottles. I am really going to push using baggies in the backpacks to keep the books safe. Kids want to check out 2 and 3 books, however, that puts 60 - 70 dollars worth of books in their backpacks. Please push keeping a BAGGIES IN THE BACKPACK at all times. :) 3. 3RD-5TH can read in library before school at 7:30am THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO TO MOTIVATE AND INSPIRE YOUR KIDS TO LOVE READING!!!!
Lunch Lunch Time is 12:15-12:45 Birthday treats can be ordered from the cafeteria at least two weeks in advance. According to district guidelines, visitors are only allowed to sit with their own child at the visitor’s table.
Office Procedures Multi-tasking is the name of the game in the office! In order to be efficient and ensure the safety of all students please follow the office procedures below. If you have any questions please contact Mary or Sandy! Dismissal Change: When a change in your child’s regular dismissal plan needs to happen, send a note in with your child to give to his/her teacher. When an unexpected/emergency situation occurs and you need to change your child’s dismissal plan during the day, send an email to mary.brooks@humble.k12.tx.us so we have the information in writing. It is critical that you follow up with a phone call to 281-641-2600 to be sure the email was received. Dismissal changes may not be made after 2:45 pm. Appointments, etc: We understand that occasionally, students need to be checked out for appointments. When this happens send a note with your child and have him/her take it to the front office. We will give your child a travel alarm clock as a reminder of the check- out time and have him/her ready for your arrival. Forgotten Items: If your child has forgotten an item, you may leave the item(s) on the black cart near the front entrance. Be sure your child’s name and teacher’s name are written clearly on the item. These items will be delivered at 10 am. After that time, students may check the cart with teacher’s permission.
Thanks so much for coming! Turn in the dismissal form here Thanks so much for coming!