7th grade ACC. Math Mrs. T. Dees ve 7th grade ACC. Math 2018 ----- ----- 2019 Mrs. T. Dees CONTACT INFO: SUPPLY LIST tammy.dees@ccboe.net REMIND 101:TEXT @874729 to 81010 3. 706.556.5990 ONE COMPOSITION & 3 prong folder HIGHLIGHTERS COLORED PENCILS or MARKERS or CRAYONS PENCILS GLUE sticks = 80% --------------------------------------------- SUMMATIVES STUDENT EXPECTATIONS BE RESPECTFUL FORMATIVES = 20% 1 FOLLOW DIRECTIONS THE FIRST TIME THEY ARE GIVEN. GRADING WEIGHTS 2 SHOW RESPECT FOR YOURSELF AND OTHERS. If students’ scores below standard on a summative assessment, they may choose to attend tutoring for reteaching in order to retest on those concepts missed previously. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule the reteaching/retesting with the teacher. BE RESPONSIBLE 3 RAISE YOUR HAND TO RESPOND OR ASK A QUESTION. BE RESPECTFUL 4 TEND TO ALL “GROOMING NEEDS” OUTSIDE OF THE CLASSROOM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------- Units of Learning 5 TECHNOLOGY WILL ONLY BE USED DURING APPROVED INSTRUCTIONAL TIMES ONLY(SEE CLASS PHONE POLICY) ONE INFERENCES BE READY TO LEARN 6 LEARNING STARTS WHEN YOU ENTER THE CLASS, TWO RATIOS/PROPORTIONAL RELATIONSHIP ---------------------------------------------- Interactive Notebooks THREE EXPRESSIONS/EQUATIONS EXPONENTS Our Interactive Notebooks will be used EVERYDAY! Notebooks MUST be brought to class every day! Pages must be numbered correctly and assignments must be completed on the correct page. Include a title on EVERY page in your notebook. NO ripped pages or doodling on the pages unless it relates to the notes/assignment. This notebook should only be used in math class- DO NOT use this composition notebook in any other class. TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR NOTEBOOK. FOUR GEOMETRY FIVE SIX GEOMETRY FUNCTIONS AND LINEAR MODELS SEVEN EIGHT SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS
Policies and procedures CLASSWORK CELL PHONE/DEVICE POLICY Classwork is any assignment that is given during academic class time. Classwork should be completed within the allotted time period or taken home to complete and returned the next day. If the student is absent the day an assignment is given, it is the student’s responsibility to check with the teacher to obtain their missing work when they return. Quizzes and tests may be made up within a reasonable amount of time. Electronic devices are not allowed to be OUT during ANY instructional time unless otherwise instructed by the teacher. To ensure that student devices are not a distraction to the learning environment students will make sure their phones are on SILENT and not visible to anyone in the room. Students are not allowed to charge their phones in classrooms for any reason. Charging phones should be taken care of at home. The only exceptions will be at teacher discretion during a lesson using the device. Earbuds are not to be seen around a student’s neck or in their ears. If a student does not comply with this policy the following interventions are outlined below: Please note that these could occur in one period consecutively. First offense (WARNING): Device must be put away and not seen again. Second offense (PARENT CONTACT via email, phone, text, etc): Device must be put away and not seen again. Third offense (LUNCH DETENTION/DETENTION): Parent will be notified and student will serve lunch detention or detention. Device must be put away and not seen again. Fourth offense and ANY OTHER FUTURE OFFENSES (office referral): Parent will be notified and an office referral will be turned into the front office. Device must be put away and not seen again. HOMEWORK/MAKEUP WORK POLICY _______________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Homework will be given often in the form of completing ANY unfinished classwork (with exceptions to out of class projects/studying for tests/quizzes). Also Big 20 sheets may be given intermittently as a weekly assignment. _ ______________________________ TUTORING Students are encouraged to attend after-school tutoring on days announced by the teacher and posted on my website from 2:30 until 3:30. It is the student's responsibility to secure permission from their parent or guardian to attend the tutoring and to arrange for transportation. Students should be picked up promptly at 3:30. __________________________________ FOOD AND DRINK POLICY PARENT CONFERENCES Please email or call to request a parent conference. Due to school duties, some days are NOT available; however, every effort will be made to work with your schedule. ALL OPENED food and drink ( with an exception for water bottles w/clear liquids) containers are strictly prohibited. This policy is subject to change at my discretion, and at any time. _______________________________