Canto 33 April Sapia 11/20/07
Summary This canto takes place in the Ninth Circle: traitors. Count Ugolino tells the story of his death. They go to the Third Ring: those who betrayed their guests There they see Fra Alberigo and Branca d’Oria. They approach the Fourth Ring of the Ninth Circle.
Count Ugolino Lived in Pisa Him and his sons were imprisoned for being traitors. Imprisoned by Archbishop Ruggieri They were denied food, and after his sons died, Count Ugolino ate their bodies.
Count Ugolino and his sons
Alberigo and Branca d’Oria They are amongst those who have betrayed their guests. Their crimes were so great, they were obliged to enter Hell early. They are not dead, a demon controls their bodies. Their souls are in Hell.
Punishment Count Ugolino’s punishment is to chew Archbishop Ruggieri’s head Alberigo and Branca d’Oria’s punishment is to lie on their backs in a frozen lake, with only their face poking out of the ice.