All is Gift Text adapted from a reflection by Joyce Rupp
Today is gift … May our inner vision be transformed so that we may see more clearly our own journey with all peoples as a journey of peace, love, and bondedness.
May we not be afraid of the questions that press upon our hearts and minds.
WAIT ASK INVITE TRUST May we welcome the questions and wait patiently for the day when they will have their answers. WAIT ASK INVITE TRUST
May we develop the gift of reverencing all creation.
May we face bravely and enthusiastically the responsibility to preserve and care for the beauty of the earth.
May the wellspring of compassion flow deep within us until we can taste the tears of our sisters and brothers.
May we awake each morning with thank yous on our lips and in our hearts, recognizing that all is gift, that all is blessing.
May our friendship with You, oh God, be strong and healthy.
May Your love be both a comfort and a challenge as we endeavour to follow in Your way each day of our lives.
May we be the ones with warm smiles and welcoming hellos May we be the ones with warm smiles and welcoming hellos. May the hands we extend to others return blessings to us.
May we know God as our shelter, strength, comfort and support.
All is Gift
Text adapted from a reflection by Joyce Rupp Graphics sourced from Google images Background Music from Feather on the Breath of God is compliments of Serenity Power point produced by Nancy Wales, csj