Quality Assurance Michael Farrell Oliver Moore Medical Education and Quality Manager & Oliver Moore Comms, Engagement & Quality Officer
The QA Programme As part of its Quality Assurance Programme the Medical Education Department triangulates quality control data from both internal and external sources. External sources include: Annual GMC trainee and trainer survey Quality monitoring visit from Health Education North West (HENW) Internal sources include: Evaluation of Placement surveys undertaken three times yearly Focus Groups Junior Doctors Forum Text based Spot Checks Education Faculty Shop Floor Engagement Focus Groups Data is grouped according to the ‘domains’ outlined by the GMC.
Promoting Excellence Promoting Excellence: Standards for Medical Education and Training (2016)
Quality Domains Learning Environment and Culture Educational Governance Support for Trainees Support for Trainers Delivery of Curriculum Promoting Excellence: Standards for Medical Education and Training (2016)
Where your feedback goes? Issues raised are shared with Education Leads as part of the bi-monthly Medical Education Committee Ongoing issues are shared via the Multi-professional Educational Governance committee Issues that require escalation are done so at the Strategic Workforce Committee We report back to our Trainees through our End of Placement Survey - Trainee Report.
You Said, We Did While you may be brand new to Blackpool, we wanted to give you some examples of the kinds of issues or queries that your predecessors have raised and what we have done to correct them. Assessments on AMU – It was raised that there have been issues with assessments in AMU, as a result we have now put in place that there is a specific assessing consultant who can be easily identified by their wearing a special Black Tunic. Drs Mess – We received feedback that our Dr’s Mess could do with some renovating, as a result we have worked to make the environment much nicer with a fresh coat of paint and some nice furniture. Focus Groups – We have been having issues with feedback and attendance at our Focus Groups, as a result we are doing a major revamp to our Focus Group programme.
The only way that we can deliver on this is to have your help! Trainee Led Forum We are looking to pull together a new Trainee Led Forum, led by a Forum President and Three Divisional Forum Leads. As a result we are looking for four highly motivated and engaged Trainees to help take on these roles and lead the Forum with the help of the Medical Education Team. This Forum will offer our Trainees the perfect focus group environment, led by Trainees, developed by Trainees and constantly adaptable to the needs of our Trainees. The only way that we can deliver on this is to have your help! If you are interested in this project at all, please feel free to get in touch at Oliver.Moore1@nhs.net. CPD Points and Official Commendations from the Education Team will be available for our Forum President and Leads.