Da Vinci eHealth Record Exchange Electronic Payer Data Exchange Mark Scrimshire, Newwave.io Lenel James, BCBSA January 16, 2019
eHRx Framework eHRx electronic Health Record exchange Framework DEQM Data Exchange for Quality Measures Framework plus specific measure content guidance (Colon Cancer Screening) eCDx electronic Clinical Data exchange ePDx electronic Payer Data exchange
Framework Implementation Guide eHRx Framework Implementation Guide Interactions Other Artifacts FHIR Profiles
ePDx Information Sources and Flows
ePDx Implementation Guide Exemplar Use Cases Based on FHIR R4 Back ported to STU3/DSTU2 Use Existing Profiles (where defined) as starting point: US Core DeQM (Coverage) Argonaut Define Da Vinci Profiles for US Core Resource Gaps Identify base data set for inclusion and define as Da Vinci ePDx profiles Coordinate with CARIN BB2.0 initiative for data subset and common value/coding sets New Patient (PCP) Encounters Medications Allergies Practitioners Care gaps New Patient (Specialist) Similar to PCP Returning Patient Filtered version of New Patient Date bound Exclude requesting Organization/Practitioner Content Focused
Address the 5 W’s for each use case FHIR Resources Address the 5 W’s for each use case Who Patient Care Team What CarePlan ADT CareGaps When Encounter Period of Service Where Organization Location Why Observation Condition Business Functional Data
DRAFT Project timeline, where work is happening in HL7 RFC Ballot Ballot: May 2019 Submit: Apr 2019 WG Review: Mar 2019 STU2 Ballot Ballot: Sep 2019 Submit: Aug 2019 WG Review: Jul 2019 DRAFT