The Five Pillars The Tenets of Islam
The Five Pillars
First Pillar: Shahadah Repetition of the Creed There is no God but Allah; Muhammad is the messenger of Allah; La ilaha illa Allah Confession of faith First word a child hears, likely to be last words uttered by a dying Muslim
Second Pillar: Salaht Daily Prayer, five times Dawn, midday, mid-afternoon, sunset and nightfall Muezzins: in many Muslim communities, strong voiced men climb to the tops of minarets (towers) and cry out that it is time for prayer Must wash hands and feet before prayer to be cleansed of any impurities (sand if water is not available) Face Mecca and offer prayers Men and women do not pray together
Third Pillar: Zakaht Almsgiving or sharing of possessions Muslims are expected to share their possessions with the poor, widows and orphans May be used to support religious institutions, scholars and students 2.5 and 10 percent of one’s wealth receiving is also considered a source of God’s blessing
Fourth Pillar: Sawm Fasting: longest and most stringent Ramadan: no eating, drinking, smoking or sexual relations during the hours of daylight (enough light to distinguish a black thread from a white thread) In remembrance of when Muhammad first received his revelation Excused: sick, nursing mothers, travelers and small children
Fifth Pillar: Hajj Pilgrimage, part of pre-Islamic Arab religion Mentioned in Qur’an as ritual duty At least once if one can afford it Takes place during Dhu al-Hijah: special month in Muslim calendar Outside of Mecca, pilgrims must leave whatever transportation and walk the rest of the way Clad in simple garments, no head covering and simple sandals; poor and rich cannot be distinguished by their apparel Abstain from food, drink and sex during daylight hours Walks around the Ka’ba seven times and kiss the sacred black stone Sacrifice a sheep or goat on tenth day to symbolize Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice even his own son to obey God’s command After these duties, they may visit Medina to pay respect to the grave of Muhammad and to visit his mosque When pilgrims return home, they may have the title haji attached to their names so all the world will know they have fulfilled this religious obligation.
The Five Pillars