Holly McDonald Gabi Mauro Futuristic Utopia Holly McDonald Gabi Mauro
This is an example of one of our housing options, which features a house above the sky. We picked the name Futuristic because our society has new innovations and technology that not only improves our lives, but helps the planet as well.
Declaration of Independence Due to pollution and hygiene issues, our current society is unsanitary. We have ruined our planet using various materials unfit for the planet and the life sources living on earth. The people on earth have broken our trust, many people lie, cheat, & do bad things to one another for reasons unknown. We feel the need to form a perfect society based on the past actions of our current one, where we have ruined the planet and the other life forms on it. We will know how to maintain our planet, treat others with respect, and show the same respect to animals and other life forms. We will known how to live life modernly without using any toxic materials and hazardous chemicals. Yes, there are some similarities between our current society and our utopian society, such as people go to work, people communicate with one another, etc.
Utopian Motto and Seal “For the Planet!” Is our motto, meaning we will dedicate most of our time rebuilding the planet and fixing the damage we have caused over decades of waste and pollution - while also living a similar, yet selfless lifestyle. Our seal is a bunch of people caring & protecting the planet. If we do it together, the planet can and will be restored for many generations to take care of after we are gone.
Utopian Animal/Mascot We chose the turtle to represent our society because it’s known for having longevity, keeping their ground, and to remind our citizens keeping waste out of the ocean.
List of Rules Always reduce, reuse, & recycle No littering of any kind - littering can be harmful for animals, especially in the ocean The burning of trees & plant life is forbidden - we need plants and trees to create oxygen Abuse of any animals & hunting is forbidden - let nature run its course and animals kill one another No killing honey bees - they help pollinate and create honey The use of plastic for creating objects is forbidden - using all natural products is eco-friendly. The use of gas for any automobiles is forbidden - helps the environment by stopping pollution in the air. Limit your sugar intake - sugarcane farming pollutes water supplies, causes soil erosion and degradation, and damages biodiversity Plastic bags are banned - too much plastic is in use No bottled water - the plastic contains toxic chemicals that pollute the air, duh.
Governing Body - Democracy We will have a democracy in our society because what the people want is still relevant today, no matter what we are doing with our structure on the planet. We will make decisions by having a group of certified people make them, much like congress. Every idea goes through a similar system much like ours today.
Come visit our Utopia! We have… A pollution free environment A technologically advanced living space made of entirely organic materials We are... All natural Eco-Friendly
Holidays and Celebrations We celebrate… Earth Day (April 22nd) Mother’s Day (May 12th) Father’s Day (June 16th) Valentine’s Day (February 14th) Grandparents Day (September 8th) We are celebrating these holidays because they all involve honoring something that means a lot to us.
Annual Plastic Collection Day! We are collecting plastic to recycle - come join us! On April 30th, we will be gathering the whole Utopia to clean up and recycle plastic! Join to help our planet. We will be cleaning up the oceans together to help get the trash out of the shores, to help all sea creatures who happen to find trash and get stuck in it. Where at? Your local beach What time? 7:00 am - 7:00 pm
Children & Education Children’s roles in our society are to play outside and stay away from electronics. Also to get children outside and discover the world around them and to learn about the animals they inhabit the planet with. Too many children in our society today are drawn to their cellphones and are disconnected with the earth and the people around them. Our education system will be similar to what we have in our society today, but will be focused on going outside more and the conservation of nature. Many children have lost their joy of exploring what the world has to offer. Taking care of our environment is more important than ever now and if you don’t start teaching children at a young age, they will never think it’s that important. Education will be funded by the government so everyone will have the same opportunities to learn with one another.
Science, Technology & Environment Our technology and source of energy will be solar powered. Cars, lights, etc will be all used from the energy of the sun. Solar energy is a great replacement of fossil fuels and will also be good for the environment by not polluting the air with harmful chemicals. We will use solar panels for our electricity, and after installing solar panels - it will be very inexpensive compared to the source of energy we use today. Not only will humans greatly benefit from solar powered energy, the environment and animals will be, too. We will dispose of society’s waste by limiting plastic use and production. We will be using biodegradable materials so that they can be naturally decomposed and disposed of.