vienna – Life Science Hub in the heart of europe Prag, 10 April 2019 Nicolai Rodimov Regional Manager, Vienna Business Agency © Wien Tourismus / Christian Stemper
Vienna in Figures One of the best organized cities globally Vienna is a cosmopolitan city: 34%of Vienna‘s inhabitants were born outside of Austria One of the fastest growing European cities (2 mio inhabitants by 2022) GDP per capita almost double of EU average (€48 600 vs. €29 200) 750 m € investments in R&D p.a. 1 bn € investments in production facilities 3.6 bn € export 2nd German speaking after Berlin and before Hamburg 2.6 mill. Within the Metropolitan area In 2029 will reach 2 mill. Cosmopolitan city: A third of Vienna‘s inhabitants were born outside of Austria (Source: Slides from International Services) 1.77 m inhabitants (2014) ->Vienna Region: 2,6 mIn (German speaking market around 100 mIn) 6 million visitors per year 2nd largest city in the German speaking world, one of the fastest growing European cities (2 mill by 2029) with great infrastructure average age: 41.12 years Growing Population: 1% annual population growth, Growth five times higher than EU average 36% non-austrian citizen from 92 nations 1/5 of the austrian population generate ¼ of Austrias gross domestic product lowest unemployment rate in Europe Purchasing Power per capita (2013): Vienna € 20,361, Austria € 21,295, Europe € 12,890 Average yearly net income (2012): Austria € 25,100, EU28 € 16,700 GDP per capita: number 13 (IMF) -> Industry 29%, Service 69%, Agriculture 1,5%, Tourism 6% Productivity: High productivity gains over the last 20 years - geographic position was exploited Added value/employee 20% above average of major European cities Highly qualified skilled workers Source: Statistik Austria, WKO, Statistisches Jahrbuch 2012 und 2013, AMS, Eurostat, GfK Infrastructure Public Transport: 90 second intervals at peak times 140 lines (underground, bus, tram) use all with 1EUR per day! Drinking Water: fresh mountain spring water from the tap Target 2030: 50% of energy generation from renewables (solar, wind, biomass)
Life Sciences in Vienna 18 38K 481 12.2 35K Research Organizations Employees & Scientists 481 Companies 12.2 billion € Revenues 35K Students
International Headquarters
Talent Hub Vienna Vienna: oldest & largest university city in German speaking region 195 000 students (Berlin 175 000, Munich 115 000 students) 30 % international students Over 50 English post-graduate programs 9 public universities 6 universities of Applied Sciences 5 private universities Zahl der Studierenden in Wien: 195.000 (WS 2015/2016) (Quelle: MA 23: Wirtschaftsstandort Wien 2016) d.h. 10% der Wiener Bevölkerung studieren (Our biggest Asset) Vgl. Berlin: 175.600 Studierende, München: 115.000 Studierende (Zahl für Berlin von Statistik Berlin, WS 2015/16) (Zahl für München vom Stadtportal d. Stadt München, WS 2014/15) dual vocational education: 80% practice, 20% theory, also possible with matriculation vocational school system: after 3-4 years completed vocational education Behind Berlin, Vienna is the second largest german speaking university location in Central Europe 6 comet centers (Kompetenzzentren) Universitäten Wien: University of Vienna, Universities of Technology, Economics, Life Sciences, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, 3 Academies of Art gratis Studium an den öffentlichen Universitäten University education Vienna Region (2012) 180,000 students 18 universities, including private University education Centrope (2011) 420,000 students 58 universities, including private Source: Statistisches Jahrbuch 2013,,,
Vienna Business Agency Vienna’s official IPA: Innovation driver, 360° Service We support the business location Vienna: With comprehensive funding programs/grants up to € 35 m. p.a. With real estate and urban development projects With extensive services and consulting
Contact: Nicolai Rodimov Regional Manager CEE T: +43-1-4000-87072