Connected and automated mobility in CIVITAS cities Bernard Gyergyay - Rupprecht Consult CIVITAS Forum, Umea, Thursday 20 Sep 2018, 14:30 – 16:00 #H2020CoEXist @H2020_CoEXist How many own an automated vehicles? Many have used one? How my The point I want to make here is that there are many uncertainties about this ‘unknown beast’
Automation Readiness in brief Uncertainties for Local Authorities Current hype creates unrealistic expectations of the technology (pro-innovation bias) (Connected) Infrastructure requirements are not clearly formulated yet. Long transition phase where conventional vehicles coexist with partially and fully automated vehicles. Result: Automation not mentioned in strategic transport plans Objective: The mission of the H2020 CoEXist project is to systematically increase the capacity of local authorities and other urban mobility stakeholders to get ready for the transition towards a shared road network with increasing levels of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) Automation-Ready Framework: Phase 1: Automation Awareness Phase 2: Planning for Automation-readiness Phase 3: Implementation of Automation-ready measures This is álso the objective of the session
What is certain and what is not? Uncertainties Certainties Overall mobility will increase Benefits only gained from a future where: Electric Shared Connected Cooperative Proactive planning The challenge is to differentite between the certain and he uncertain The worst reaction is inertia – „do nothing is not an option“ The more I learn about the topic, the more I am uncertain about it... I have worked intensively on the topic for three years now.
Planning for Automation Readiness Policy screening: Liveability as top priority – how can CAVs contribute to it? Reassessment of strategic mobility plans; incorporating new mobility forms Mobility pricing for “SPAM” roaming cars Is there a conflict between people friendly vs. automation friendly? Preparation of physical and digital infrastructure Modifications to infrastructure and accompanying traffic code Engagement with citizens & support testing activities and research Update travel demand models and evaluate road capacity needs Assessment of required land use changes based on integrated land use and transport modelling tools Try out level 1 & 2 functionalities Identify new skill requirements – ‘less concrete more bytes’ Organisational restructuring for traffic management and public transport operations Road authorities need to engage with OEMs Back office for data exchange in traffic management Defining data management responsibility with new management schemes Policy Infrastructure Planning Capacity Building Traffic Management Mobility Aspect Planning for Automation Readiness Implementation of Automation Ready Measures Automation Awareness Challenge: What measures can you take today? Concrete measures today. This is really nice menu of ideas that cities can do, also in a CIVITAS project
Planning for Automation Readiness Implementation of Automation Ready Measures Automation Awareness European and North-American citizens’ debate Tifenn Durand-Fleury, Missions Publiques Urbanism Next: Impacts of Emerging Technology on Cities. Nico Larco, University of Oregon How to become an ‘Automation-aware’ city? Mikael Ivar, City of Gothenburg Gothenburg has already left the phase of automation awareness The MAVEN project and the ISA Initiative. Tamara Goldsteen, City of Helmond
Take-up & Transfer Session Innovative Modelling Approaches – Lessons from FLOW & CoEXist 16:30 – 18:00 Location: Oden Capacity: 30 participants
Thank you for listening #H2020CoEXist @H2020_CoEXist Bernard Gyergyay The sole responsibility for the content of this document lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EASME nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.