Overview of assessments in Cabo Delgado and in Mozambique
More people, served better Beneficiary centric assistance Multisectoral Post-shock / Rapid Emergency Food Security and Nutrition Assessment (EFSA) Sampling: 8 Provinces; 37 districts; total of 13,134 HH to be interviewed. Expected results: - Report on number of people with food insecurity and children with acute malnutrition; - IPC analysis and report Activities March April 1st week May 2nd week May 3rd week May 4th week May 5th week May June Training of central and provincial enumerators and supervisors in CD (1st phase) 21-29 Mar Fieldwork in CD ( 1st phase) 1-24 Apr Training of central and provincial enumerators and supervisors in South 18-23 Mar Fieldwork in south 25 Mar-30 Apr Training of central and provincial enumerators and supervisors in Center 1-4 May 7-8 May Fieldwork in Center 9- 24 May Refreshment training of Prov teamleaders in CD (2nd phase) 23-24 May Refreshment training of district enumerator CD (2nd phase) 27-28 May CD fielwork (2nd phase) 29 May- 6 Jun Data cleaning and processing 1 Apr- 6 May training of IPC analysis for final results 03-6 jun IPC analysis and reporting 7-14 jun What is Digital Transformation? how it will position WFP as a digital leader in the Humanitarian sector Digital transformation is the change brought by the application of digital technology If it is powered by software, the change introduces new business models, network effects, scale and efficiency OPPORTUNITIES More people, served better Beneficiary centric assistance Increased speed & targeted response Better informed decisions through use of data Less system fragmentation, automation Robust, sustainable, new business model for WFP CHALLENGES Critical mindset & culture shift is required Investment in technology, skills and change Human ethics need to stay at our core Current infrastructure limitations
Multisectoral Post-shock / Rapid (EFSA) National Post- shock Assessment/ Multisectoral Rapid Emergency Food Security and Nutrition Assessment (Rapid EFSA), coordinated by SETSAN Selected districts affected by different shocks (initially selected drought, pests, conflict and small floods; afterwards included cyclone, heavy rain, floods. Exercise initially planned to be conducted in all selected districts in March but because it changed because of heavy rains, cyclone IDAI and floods in central region, that cut the access by road. Exercise in Northern (Cabo Delgado Province) and Southern regions started in March. However, exercise was interrupted in CD due to cyclone Kenneth. Non covered sampled districts will be assessed from 30 May in 10 days exercise in Southern provinces was completed in end of April In Central regional (provinces od Sofala, Manica, Tete and Zambezia) the exercise started in 8th May and planned to end until 24 May. Added district of Quissanga, not included in random sample of Rapid EFSA prepared by INE ( National Statistics Institute).
WFP Cabo Delgado Baseline combined with Rapid EFSA CD baseline will be conducted together with rapid EFSA with fieldwork starting on 30 May District WFP assisted districts for CD Baseline SETSAN Rapid EFSA partially completed before cyclone WFP district not included in Rapid EFSA but most affected by cyclone Districts selected for combined fieldwork exercise Palma x X Nangade Mocimboa da Praia Macomia Quissanga Ibo Meluco Balama Mecufi
CFSAM: Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (external audit by FAO + WFP) with participation of MASA Exercise included visits to all provinces In CD it was conducted from 15-22 May Districts visited: Montepuez, Namuno, Balama- Chipembe, Mecufi and Metuge Collected secondary data from DPASA ( Agriculture), DPCI (Commerce) and SETSAN ( Food Security)
Crop Assessment of 2018/19 agricultural campaign Província Distritos Afectados Fenómeno Natural Maputo Manhiça, Boane, Magude, Marracuene, Namaacha Estiagem Gaza Guijá, Chibuto, Massangena, Chicualacuala, Chongoene Inhambane Massinga, Morrumbene, Homoíne e Jangamo Inundações Manica Sussundenga, Manica, Tambara, Chimoio, Gondola, Vanduzi, Mussurize e Macate Sofala Caia, Chemba, Cheringoma, Dondo, Maringue, Marromeu Gorongosa, Nhamatanda, Buzi , Chibabava, Machanga, Muanza, Beira Tete C. Tete, Dôa, Chiúta, Chifunde, Mutarara, Tsangano, Marara, Angonia e Moatize Zambézia Gile, Gurue, Derre, Nicoadala, Morrumbala, Mocuba, Pebane, Chinde, Luabo, Mopeia , Alto Molócuè, Namacurra, Maganja da Costa e Lugela Nampula Malema, Moma, Ribáuè, Mongicual Lagarta do funil Cabo Delgado Macomia, Mueda, Mocímboa de Praia e Nangade Ciclone, Inundações Niassa Mandima, Mecanhelas, Cuamba e Mecula Key Objectives Estimated crop forecast: production of 1st season of Agricultural Campaign 2018/19- for production of Food Balanced Sheet Assessed the stage of 1st season of Agricultural Campaign 2018/19: food and cash crops: planted areas, pests and diseases, livestock Assessed impact of cyclones, heavy rains and floods in North and Center and drought in South: lost areas vs planted areas Identify the preparation of 2nd season of Agricultural Campaign 2018/19 Monitor availability of seeds and other agricultural inputs Timeline Activities 4-5 th week May June Fieldwork 28 May- 15 Jun Data analysis and Reporting 17-21 Jun