#2 – Cycle of Discipleship Discipleship Model #2 – Cycle of Discipleship Gateway Adventist Centre
1 2 3 4 What is Gateway Adventist Center (GAC)? Ministry started by a few SDA young people 19-22 year olds. 1 A network of care groups (small group ministry) and many interstate and overseas care groups. New Churches in the city of Melbourne. 1st church grew from 35 to 150 in 4 years. 2nd Church started May 2008. Planted our 3rd Church in Aug 2012. 4th Church in February 2018. 5th Church Plant in progress. Training Centre to train young people to be soul-winners for Christ & courses to reach the community via ‘needs-based’ courses. Church sponsoring the Student Club (Adventist Student On Campus) at 3 Universities. 2 3 4 Gateway is an Outreach center – Over 200 baptisms 90% retention rate & returning the highest tithe. 2
CURRENT PARADIGM of “evangelism” in Churches Today 100,000 25,000 50 10 5 1 1 in 4 2 per 1000 20% 12mths 20 % "The bad news is that if Christ doesn’t come dur- ing this generation, 80 percent of our church mem- bers may die without ever having the privilege of leading a soul to Christ. How sad! Although our church is growing rapidly, this growth is the result of the endeavors of only 20 percent of our mem- bers. What would happen if in this year alone more members were trained, equipped, and empowered in the church’s missionary programs? The harvest would certainly grow larger." Jonas Arrais, GC Assoc Min Sec, Jan-Mar 2011, Elders Digest 3
Discipleship MODELING WORD Public Evangelism PREACHING WORD House to House CARE / LIFESTYLE WORD Personal Evangelism BIBLE STUDIES WORD Discipleship MODELING WORD Revival SPIRIT-LED WORD
How do we disciple? How do you train and disciple our members?
Curriculum to bring to membership … not only discipled but to be a worker SDA is good in making members; not disciples … we are good at giving a person doctrinal information and then expect them to be a disciple. Why? Our heritage .. Our pioneers were from Methodist, Baptist – strong on discipleship; so only need to add doctrines. SDA tradition of discipleship: giving roles: collecting SS offering -> secretary youth leader deacon Not necessary develop them in Christ- like character or in soul winning, personal ministry Whether you are a new convert, members of a number of years, or leaders in the church, you’ll find there’s something for you to take away from this seminar => Acts 9:22, 26-30, 11:22-26
Problem of Retention - #1 No Discipleship After Baptism SDA is good in making members; not disciples … we are good at giving a person doctrinal information and then expect them to be a disciple. Why? Our heritage .. Our pioneers were from Methodist, Baptist – strong on discipleship; so only need to add doctrines. SDA tradition of discipleship: giving roles: collecting SS offering -> secretary youth leader deacon Not necessary develop them in Christ- like character or in soul winning, personal ministry Whether you are a new convert, members of a number of years, or leaders in the church, you’ll find there’s something for you to take away from this seminar => Acts 9:22, 26-30, 11:22-26 Seeker Member Worker Membership Discipleship
Problem of Retention - #2 No Preparation Baptism SDA is good in making members; not disciples … we are good at giving a person doctrinal information and then expect them to be a disciple. Why? Our heritage .. Our pioneers were from Methodist, Baptist – strong on discipleship; so only need to add doctrines. SDA tradition of discipleship: giving roles: collecting SS offering -> secretary youth leader deacon Not necessary develop them in Christ- like character or in soul winning, personal ministry Whether you are a new convert, members of a number of years, or leaders in the church, you’ll find there’s something for you to take away from this seminar => Acts 9:22, 26-30, 11:22-26 Seeker Member Worker Membership Discipleship
Definition – Mark 3:14
Discipleship Goal: To develop Workers, Not make Members We need to give the members VISION – renew it; capture their imagination; let God place the burden on them 10
“Then he said to his disciples, the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few; Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37-38 Example of our pioneers when they were doing it. 11
A quick look at the early church, and one senses an explosiveness we don’t just see today … 120 disciples Acts 1:15 3000 baptised Acts 2:41 5000 believed Acts 4:4 ‘Multiplied greatly’ Acts 6:7 ACTS 5:28, 8:4, 17:6 First century believers “filled Jerusalem with [their] doctrine” Then spread out “every where preaching the word” Until they had “turned the world upside down”. All of this, in ONE generation! Evangelism Source: Intro to the CALL, www.fast.st 12
A quick look at the early church, and one senses an explosiveness we don’t just see today … 120 disciples Acts 1:15 3000 baptised Acts 2:41 5000 believed Acts 4:4 ‘Multiplied greatly’ Acts 6:7 Source: Intro to the CALL, www.fast.st 13
A quick look at the early church, and one senses an explosiveness we don’t just see today … 120 disciples Acts 1:15 3000 baptised Acts 2:41 5000 believed Acts 4:4 ‘Multiplied greatly’ Acts 6:7 ACTS 19 : 8 - 10 Paul preached for three months in the Synagogue (Evangelism) There were opposition; Paul took those who believed away to the School of Tyrannus For two years Paul was at the school ‘daily’ (Training) All of Asia – Jews and Gentiles - heard the gospel ! Evangelism + ? = ? Source: Intro to the CALL, www.fast.st 14
Evangelism + Training = Explosion ! A quick look at the early church, and one senses an explosiveness we don’t just see today … 120 disciples Acts 1:15 3000 baptised Acts 2:41 5000 believed Acts 4:4 ‘Multiplied greatly’ Acts 6:7 ACTS 19 : 8 - 10 Paul preached for three months in the Synagogue (Evangelism) There were opposition; Paul took those who believed away to the School of Tyrannus For two years Paul was at the school ‘daily’ (Training) All of Asia – Jews and Gentiles - heard the gospel ! Evangelism + Training = Explosion ! Source: Intro to the CALL, www.fast.st 15
Evangelism is none too plentiful – but training? We are counseled: “The greatest help that can be given our people is to teach them to work for God.” “There should be well organised plan … to instruct the members how to labor for the up-building of the church.” “Many would be willing to work of they were taught how to begin. They need to be instructed and encouraged.” “Every church should be a training school for Christian workers.” Source: Christian Service p.58-59 How many elders, leaders and pastors are trainers? OR are they merely administrators and preachers? 16
One person investing in the live of another person ! Barnabas Paul ACTS 11:22 – 26 Reaffirm (v.23) – Barnabas was glad when he saw the evidences of God’s grace. Encourage (v.23) - “exhorted them all , that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord” Actively looked (proactive) for Paul & invited him to work together v. 25, “Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, for to seek Saul: and when he found him, he brought him back to Antioch” Barnabas and Paul met with the church, they worked together - demonstrating, modeling. Result: Paul learnt Barnabas way of discipleship and took Silas and Timothy Teach Together v.26 “they taught much people” RESULT: The disciples were called Christian first in Antioch My journey: 1, saw NB and asked,” where will she be in a yr’s time?” 2, Auntie Liney showed me how to drive 3, Barnabas passage- Acts 17
Paul’s Leadership Training Gentiles Silas, chief among the brethen Rome Corinth Ephesus Aquila Priscilla Barnabas Paul Ephesus Corinth Timothy Corinth Island of Cretes Dalmatia Titus John Mark
Tommy’s Story
Hong Kong Hong Kong Melbourne 20
Hong Kong Hong Kong Melbourne Revival Camp SDA Identity Vision Casting (4 person) Revival of Core Members Care Group 1 12-15 people (10 people) Discipleship Training FAST Survival FAST Basic Training CARE Group Training & Prayer for Seekers - FAST Team Tactics Launch Care Group 2 12-15 people Hong Kong Melbourne 21
Hong Kong Hong Kong Melbourne Vision Casting (4 person) Revival of Core Members Launch CARE Group Training & Prayer for Seekers - FAST Team Tactics (10 people) Discipleship Training FAST Survival FAST Basic Training Revival Camp SDA Identity Care Group 2 12-15 people Care Group 1 10-12 people Care Group 3 Hong Kong Melbourne 24
Hong Kong Hong Kong Melbourne Revival Camp SDA Identity (2009) Vision Casting (4 person) Revival of Core Members Launch CARE Group Training & Prayer for Seekers - FAST Team Tactics (10 people) Discipleship Training FAST Survival FAST Basic Training (2008) Revival Camp SDA Identity Care Group 2 12-15 people (2009) Care Group 1 10-12 people Care Group 3 Care Group 4 Hong Kong Melbourne 25
How do we train? #3 - Systematic and Intentional Discipleship
Q A & 27