Fiona MacLeod CYPNAUK – Scotland Report Belfast 25th June 2019.


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Presentation transcript:

Fiona MacLeod CYPNAUK – Scotland Report Belfast 25th June 2019

“Once for Scotland” Approach A Scottish Future Nurse and Midwifery Programme Board (FNMPB), chaired by the Chief Nursing Officer for Scotland, Professor Fiona McQueen, is taking a ‘Once for Scotland’ approach to the new NMC Standards. The aims of this group are to: provide strategic oversight, direction and governance to the implementation of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Standards of Proficiency for registered nurses/forthcoming pre- registration midwifery and Standards for Education and Training consider the future nurse and midwife role in its entirety in Scotland.

NMC Standards for Education and Training Curriculum Development continues Approval hopefully November

Curriculum development continues – approval ? November Men in Nursing Staff at GCU’s Department of Nursing and Community Health, where 25 per cent are male, came up with the idea @GCUMenRnurses2 and #GCUMenRnurses2 Twitter campaign to raise awareness and take their message around Glasgow schools.  Figures recently published by UCAS revealed a 12 per cent increase in male nursing applicants across Scotland from 370 last year to 410 this year. At GCU, 8 per cent of its 1844 nursing students are male and the numbers have been increasing year on year with a 1.4 per cent increase this year. 9 on the child field programme.

Curriculum development continues ? September 2020 modules for community children’s nursing

Scottish PAD Scottish Practice Assessment Document- all 12 HEIs in Scotland Is now at the stage of seeking feedback from students and practice staff

Key messages relating to supervision and assessment Transition to the Standards for Student Supervision and Support for all NMC approved programmes in Scotland will take place in September 2020. All mentors/sign off mentors and practice teachers on the mentor/practice teacher register as of September 2020 will transition to become, simultaneously, both practice supervisors and practice assessors. All existing nursing and midwifery mentors, sign-off mentors and practice teachers to transition across to the practice assessor role for pre-registration nursing and midwifery students In preparation for the role of practice assessor, those registered nurses, midwives and Specialist Community Public Health nurses who are on the mentor/practice teacher register in Scotland in September 2020 will undertake a transitional programme developed collaboratively, with the support of NES, between approved education institutions and their practice learning partners. Preparation will include an update on the relevant pre-registration nursing programmes, the practice supervisor contribution towards the practice assessment documentation, the practice assessor role in conducting assessments, the relationship between the roles of practice supervisor, practice assessor and academic assessor and any other locally agreed content.

Community Children’s Nursing Currently no provision in Scotland for education. Students used to go to Wales From CNO Directorate Transforming nursing, midwifery and health professions roles: paper 5 Mar 2018

Strategic Paediatric Educationalists & Nurses in Scotland (SPENS)  The aim of SPENS is to influence developments in the provision of services for child health, the education of nurses caring for children and the research agenda that supports evidence based practice in children and young people’s nursing. The group provides a Scotland wide forum to influence policymaking and legislation, debates issues authoritatively and provides a collective response to consultative health and policy documents. SPENS collaborates with statutory professional bodies, other agencies and service users. The group functions as a resource for nursing colleagues working in clinical practice, management, education and / or research that impacts on children’s health, service provision and children’s nursing and education.

Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Bill Passed 2nd May 2019 Staffing for safe and effective care in Scotland’s NHS and care homes First legislation of this kind in the UK to apply to both health and social care passes-law-on-safe-staffing-for-nhs-and-social-care/7028838.article

Royal Hospital for Children and Young People –Edinburgh Scheduled to open 9th July 2019 Children and Young People aged up to 16 as previously only up to aged 13 Beds 167

#FutureNurse project The #FutureNurse project is aimed at tackling gender bias and to promote awareness of modern nursing roles, focusses on engagement with primary aged children. Initially NHS Grampian and NHS Lothian Now Scotland wide The project was initiated by Colin McNulty, Senior Nurse Manager at NHS Grampian. Colin said: “If you look at a typical Nurse costume for a child, the uniform often comes with a cape and hat, even though these haven’t been the standard uniform for decades. The tools they have may be limited to a thermometer and a fob watch, suggesting Nurses do little more than take temperatures or measure pulses. The reality of modern-day Nursing couldn’t be further from this, but first impressions matter. If this is what very young children are learning about Nursing then they may decide it is not the job for them in years to come.”