Activity-based Learning Designed And Created By RITU DAR City International School
Challenges A Teacher Faces The biggest challenge for any teacher is to capture the students attention and put across ideas in such a way that it stays with them for long even after they have left the classroom.
Activity-based learning is the solution which can be adopted by teachers to involve the students both mentally and physically. aids in students all round development enhances creativity
Hypothesis Activity based learning influences students achievement
OBJECTIVES Strengthening thinking and reasoning skills. Building self esteem. Encouraging students to take responsibility for their own learning. Making independent and self correcting learners. Tapping children’s natural curiosity and sense of wonder.
Procedure Students were given names of a few objects. Topic: FLOAT AND SINK Students were given names of a few objects. They were asked to make their predictions in a worksheet. The worksheets were scored. Later, students performed the activity using actual objects. They were asked to fill a mirror worksheet. Pre & Post test scores were analysed.
Students discussing among themselves
Worksheet Distributed
Pre-test Result
Intervention Hands-on Activity to understand the topic ‘Float & Sink’.
Hands-on Activity Students were asked to go around the garden and collect some items to perform the ‘Float & Sink’ activity. A container filled with water was provided to the groups. Students chose one object at a time and checked whether it floats or sinks. Record the result on the recording sheet. Repeat this for all the objects.
Searching items in garden area
Students performing the activity
Post-test Result
Findings Activity based learning leads to students achievement and it is fun and exciting. Thus the hypothesis has been proved.
Student Gains Higher order thinking skills. Independent Learning. Excitement and motivation. Science achievement. Increased co-operation skill. Better relationship with peers Transfer of skills to other areas of study. Enhances teamwork and social skills.
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