Some contributions to ETSI BRAN


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Presentation transcript:

Some contributions to ETSI BRAN July 2010 doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/0xxxr0 Some contributions to ETSI BRAN 31 May 2019 Authors: Name Company Phone email Andrew Myles Cisco +61 418 656587 Andrew Myles, Cisco Andrew Myles, Cisco

Comments/suggestions are requested in relation to contributions on coexistence to BRAN#102 ETSI BRAN is conducting its next F2F meeting (BRAN#102) in Sophia Antipolis, France during the week starting 17 June 2019 Andrew Myles (Cisco) has made a number of contributions relevant to the topic of coexistence that may be of interest to IEEE 802.11 Coexistence SC participants and the interested public He welcomes any comments on any of the contributions, and may include any suggested revisions in updates to the contributions before BRAN#102 The contributions are all contained in embedded documents on the next page Andrew Myles, Cisco

Comments/suggestions are requested in relation to contributions on coexistence to BRAN#102 BRAN Doc # Topic Embedded BRAN(19)102005r2 Adaptivity refinements for broadcasts & delayed feedback BRAN(19)102010 Update on ED threshold for “paused COTs” BRAN(19)102011 Update on protecting COTs from “paused COTs” BRAN(19)102012 Removing immediate tx after CCA from EN 301 893 BRAN(19)102013 Update on the no/short LBT issue BRAN(19)102014 How should CW be adjusted in LBT with delayed feedback? BRAN(19)102015 What is “success” in LBT? Andrew Myles, Cisco