Network Technology Evolution WP6 T1 Network Technology Evolution Xavier Jeannin, Renater TNC19, Tallinn Multilayered service orchestration and monitoring 18 June 2019
Task 1: Network Technology Evolution - overview Working with the community to build and maintain a direction for new network technology development and the applicability of specific technologies Identifying and prototyping potential new technologies, and then developing successful prototypes towards a full service Topics: LoLa – enhancing the LoLa low latency audio-visual streaming system Data transfer node (DTN) stimulation – improving large-scale data transfer capabilities OTFN – Optical time and frequency networks – for the metrologist research community QK(D&E) - Quantum key distribution and exchange – due to start in Jan 2020 White box – NREN use-cases, e.g., for data centre, IX, CPE, and an open R&E router (RARE) Data plane programmability and P4 – establishing a community and best practices
Task 1: Low Latency (LoLa) NRENs: GARR, LITnet, CESnet (Coordinator: Claudio Allocchio) Objectives: Create an optimised low latency infrastructure for LoLa applications Work plan Monitor to identify lowest latency path(s) Identify a technology able to steer traffic along that path, if feasible Establish a testbed on the production infrastructure between several sites Specify a GÉANT LoLa service First result: Comparison between LoLa and perfSonar measurements perfSonar seems to be usable for latency and jitter measurement in the context of LoLa, but it requires some new development
Task 1: Data Transfer Node (DTN) stimulation NRENs involved: SURFnet, DFN, GEANT NRENs interested: RedIRIS, Jisc Objectives: Foster and develop DTN usage for improved large-scale data transfers Work plan Undertake a review of DTN-related activities in the community Identify gaps and, if applicable, specify a new DTN service Recruit NRENs interested by DTN for dissemination Elaborate a strategy to share best practices and increase DTN uptake Potentially develop new tools
Task 1: Optical Time & Frequency Network (OTFN) NRENs: PSNC, CESnet, RENATER, SWITCH, GEANT (Coordinator: Guy Roberts) Create a time & frequency distribution service in Europe over GÉANT infrastructure Ultra stable frequency over optical carrier Required by National Metrology Institutes; it is the most accurate technology Ultra stable frequency over radio frequency (less precise) Time over radio frequency
OTFN: Time & Frequency services
OTFN: first deployment
OTFN: First results A technical analysis of the use of different bands has been undertaken Includes C-band, L-band and bands between C and L The C band is in use already by some NRENs (including Renater) The GÉANT operations team has concerns over the use of C-band Around risk, complexity, and reduction of channel capacity Potential solutions? Use dedicated dark fibre Much more expensive – would need considerable additional budget Use another band (L band, or a band between C and L) That technology is not developed yet – how long will it take? Also a more expensive solution Use converters between C and L band Not widely tested, and these devices are expensive
Task 1: Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) NRENs: PSNC, CESnet, GEANT (Coordinator: Guy Roberts) Objectives: Assess potential implementation of quantum cryptography within NREN infrastructures Work plan (2020 - 2021, 2 years) Assess and review the state of art Potentially lead some experimental tests
Task 1: White Box (WB) Are white boxes a real opportunity for NRENs and Research and Education? Our approach WB for research and education Assess white box use in the NREN context Router for Academic, Research and Education (RARE) Data Plane Programing (DPP) New use cases like Monitoring, Security, Physical Network Function
NREN interest for white box
NREN interest for RARE and DPP
Task 1: White Box for research and education NRENs: AMRES, FUnet, GRnet, RENATER, PSNC Objectives: Explore NREN-relevant use cases: Data-centre, IX router, CPE, P router, ... First results: FUnet: CPE, Design phase RENATER/AMRES: CPE implementation, validation on hardware phase RENATER: Internet eXchange Point, implementation phase GRNET Data Center, design phase PSNC, P design phase PSNC, white box performance analysis
Task 1: White Box (WB) Data Plane Programming (DPP) DPP advanced feature NREN: CESnet, PSNC, GARR (Coordinator: Mauro Campanella) Objectives: Explore new potential of P4-programmable white boxes Network telemetry Security (DDoS detection and mitigation) DDOS mitigation Telemetry
Task 1: White Box Router for Academic, Research and Education (RARE) NRENs: KIFU, SWITCH, University of MURCIA (RedIRIS) , RENATER, JISC (Coordinator: Frédéric Loui) Objectives: Demonstrate the feasibility of an open router for the academic community Assessing the validity of Open Networking Control plane software Determining if the use of an Open Networking Data plane platform is relevant to R&E use cases Couple together such a Control Plane and Data Plane as a demonstrator s
Summary Work is progressing in all topics LoLa, DTNs, white boxes, DPP, OTFN QKD due to begin in January 2020 White box evaluation deliverable (D6.3) due in October 2019 We are interested in NRENs who wish to work with us in any of these areas Do you have relevant use cases? If so, please get in touch! Come to our P4 side meeting on Thursday Registrations still open at Explore P4 uses cases including telemetry and DDoS mitigation
Thank you Any questions? © GÉANT Association on behalf of the GN4 Phase 3 project (GN4-3). The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 856726 (GN4-3).