How to Run Workday Dashboard Reports
New Workday Dashboard Reports Available Monday, April 3, 2017 Several new dashboard reports have been added in Workday to provide easily accessible information about employee time entry, staffing, and compensation. _____________________________________________ Reports can be found in the following Worklets: Management Reporting – Staff & Comp Dashboards
Breakdown of Workday Dashboard Reports The following worklets will be available to the CMSD senior leadership team, managers, directors and timekeepers. Each worklet contains multiple reports designed to provide ease of access to important information. Below are samples of the reports contained in the worklets. Time Status Reports: CMSD Employee Time Status for Timekeepers CMSD Employee Time Status for Time Approvers Direct & Indirect Employees CMSD Employees With No Time Entered for Timekeepers CMSD Employees With No Time Entered for Approver & Indirect Reports Time Status Rollup: CMSD Direct & Indirect EE Time Status Dashboard CMSD Employee Time Status for Subs CMSD Employee Time Status for Mgr. Dashboard
Breakdown of Workday Dashboard Reports Management Reporting Dashboard Headcount and FTE by Month Organizational Headcount by Location by Management Level MRD - Trending Time to Fill Critical Positions MRD - Headcount by Supervisory Organization Hierarchy and Month Organizational Attrition Within Last 6 Months Headcount by Years of Service Management Reporting Staff & Comp Various Open/Hire/Turnover/Comp Reports My Management Dashboard MMD - Span of Control by Quarter MMD - Organization Members (with Photo) MMD - My Direct Reports Staffing History MMD - My Team's Upcoming Time Off MMD - Processes Awaiting Me MMD - Outstanding Actions for My Direct
How to Run Workday: Management and Time Entry Reports To view the reports, follow the steps below: Choose the reporting worklet you’d like to open (refer to the previous page for samples). A list of reports should appear. Click on the report you’d like to run. Once the report runs, you will see a dashboard view of multiple reports. Below is a snapshot of two reports delivered when the CMSD Time Status Reports is selected. As shown in red above, some worklet settings require more information. This means you can customize the report to display the information you want to see for your organization. To update your report settings, click on the gear icon in the top right corner and update the report settings. Your options may include date ranges or supervisory organizations.
How the Reports Work Each report allows you to scroll left or right and up and down. Clicking view more at the bottom of each report will allow you to view the full report. When in the full report view mode, the following options appear in the right corner of the report. To return to the dashboard view, click the back arrow in the upper left corner of the screen. Scroll left or right Scroll up or down 6
Other Information about these reports The reports also offer these options when in view more mode. Download to Excel Filter and sort by clicking on column titles Select the columns you want to see Toggle full screen viewing mode
Other Information about these reports For pay period information, refer to the payroll calendar on the Workday home page banner.