11-9-18 Weekly Newsletter In Writing Workshop we learned how to make fancy labels and use those labels to write sentences. We are learning about things we find in nature so if you come across an interesting pinecone, leaf, or nut (just to name a few), please send it in so the Chameleons can write about it. We are still working on our Reading Super Powers. This week we learned that Super Readers can find patterns in books and those patterns can help us read. We also know that sound and picture power can be used together to make reading a breeze. In math we are comparing sets and deciding which set is greater and if they are equal. We are having fun in our Math Zones playing games and using manipulatives while learning about greater than and equal. Today was a busy day… We started out honoring the Veterans in our community with a breakfast and some really cute kindergarten entertainment. They sang “See the Veteran”, America the Beautiful” and “The Star Spangle Banner”. They were so sweet in their red, white, and blue! Then we had a STEM lesson on how to help a turkey escape. We built devices that could be pulled and/or pushed so the turkey could make a quick escape. Thank you to Alex’s Dad for coming in and helping us solve the problem. I am sure the turkeys are thankful too! Mark your calendars… We will have a small Thanksgiving Play and Reception on November 16th at 8:30 AM. All families are invited! Have a great weekend! Important Dates: 11/12 Book Fair During the School Day 11/16 Thanksgiving Play at 8:30 AM 11/19 – 11/23 Thanksgiving holiday Weekly Homework: Sight Words Reading Folder Our one and only volunteer for centers this week was Grace’s mom. Thank you for helping the Chameleons! Thank you to the Room Moms for sending in a birthday treat for Mrs. Short. She is so grateful for the cards, flowers, and the celebration. You all made her day very special!